Full text: Migration and business cycles

Comparisons with Crop Conditions . . . . | wie 008 
Comparisons with Pig Iron Production in the United States . 20d 
Emigration to Countries other than the United States ; . 204 
Other Countries of Emigration . . ; . 205 
Sweden: . Fh TORTS ET. 205 
Bugsia,' ohn 206 
Austria-Hungary . 208 
Chapter Summary . . 208 
Correction for Normal Seasonal Variation .  . . 210 
Pre-War Seasonal Tendencies in Arrivals . . y . 212 
Principal Similarities . . . . : . 212 
Male and Female Immigration . SE 212 
Citizens and Aliens . ; ) : . 214 
Immigrants and Nonimmigrants . . 215 
Unskilled Workers and Non-Workers 216 
Selected Races . . . a. 247 
Pre-War Seasonal Tendencies in Departures 2107 
Pre-War Seasonal Tendencies in Net Migration. 218 
Seasonal Tendencies in Selected Industries. : i297 
Factory Employment... .v ..  . . ; 221 
Railway Maintenance Soi Bay SS 223 
Bituminous Coal Mining . . . 2a 
Anthracite Coal Mining . 2 
Construction ke RL 9 
Limitations . STi +228 
Comparison of Seasonal Tendencies in Immigration, Emigration, and Employ- 
ment . . . : ; . . 229 
Factory Employment . ; ; . g 230 
Coal Mining... 1.0. i, RES 1 | 
Selected Outdoor Industries 2 nn OS 
All Selected Industries ; 231 
The Net Volume of Arrivals less Departures and the Month-to-Month Changes in 
the Number Employed . . . . : ow ak 231 
Seasonal Fluctuations in Immigration under the Quota Acts . \ 1226 
Chapter Summary . s «237 
SoMMARY ©. EEE a, Co Bl . 239 
Similarities in Fluctuations of Employment and Migration  . : . 239 
Significant Differences in Cycles of Employment and Migration . 240 
Effect of Migration upon the Cycle in Employment rag L241 
International Aspect . . rr eau . 242 
Possible Indirect Effect Upon the Severity of Business Cycles . 249 
Chapter Summary . ; . 243 
APPENDIX. . . ; . . . 245 
InpEX ~ . : asl 

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