Full text: Migration and business cycles

Quota acts (see Restriction) * Sexes, effect on cyclical fluctuation, 144-145 
Snyder, Carl, 94 
Races Social Science Research Council, 7-8 
emigration, 168-169 Bouth Tsalians 
differences, 44-45 emigration, i 
immigration, 166-168 immigration, gross and net, 42-43 
seasonal variation, 217 decline in depression years, 166-167 
selected, gross and net immigration, 43c, Per gent laborers, 47 
44 seasonal variation, 
Railway maintenance Srmgranis, #A7N9 
employment, 57, 61t, 222-223 immigrants, 215-217 
expenditures, 222-223 honemigrants, 217.319 
Ratio charts, 58-59, 139-141 nonmmigtanis, 21527 
Regularization of industry, 244 Standard deviation, effect of use, 91 
Restriction of immigration, effect on Statistics 5 
emigration, 130 employment, 5, iii : 
seasonal variation, 125-126, 211-212, immigration, varying comprehensive- 
936-937 } ' ness, 32 0 
Rorty, M. C., 120n industrial conditions, 56-65 
Buss a : male immigration, by months, 246t; 
economic conditions, 207 by quarters, 245t 
emigration to, 164-165 Steamship companies, 9 j 
immigrants from, 156¢, 157, 206 Steerage passengers, departing, ratio to 
ratio to total, 160¢, 161t immigrants, 100, 103-105 
Steerage rates, 9 
Summaries, chapter, 27, 53, 76, 88, 120- 
Scandinavia, emigration to, 164-165 122, 136, 152, 208-209, 237-238, 243 
Seasonal variation, generally, 210-238 Sweden 
arrivals, 212-217 economic conditions, 206 
building construction, 224-227 immigration from, 156e, 157t, 205 
coal mining, 222-224 229-231 ratio to total, 159¢, 161t 
departures, 217-219 
dovetailing, 228 Temporary migration, 31 (see also Non- 
effect of quota acts, 125-126, 211-212, emigrants and Nonimmigrants) 
236-237 Terminology, 30 
factory employment, 221-222, 229-230 Thomas, Dorothy S., 171, 177, 182n 
highway construction, 225-227 Thorp, Willard L., Business Annals, 7, 80, 
male immigration, 36e¢, 212-214 171, 205 
compared with employment, 229-231 
migration and employment, 239-240 Unemployment 
net migration, 218-221 Canada, 134-135 
outdoor industries, compared with mi- conference on, 6, 24, 131 
gration, 229-231, 233, 236 effect of immigration, 120, 120n, 122, 209 
railway maintenance, 222-224 non-agricultural occupations, compared 
selected industries, 221 with migration, 112-113, 116-119 
compared with immigration, 229-231 numerical volume, 
compared with net immigration, 232- Hart's estimate, 75 
236 King’s estimate, 76 
variable, adjustment for, 86 trade union members, 67-68, 182-185 

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