Full text: Migration and business cycles

United Kingdom, 182-185 unemployment, quarterly cycles, 182- 
volume of, and immigration, 109-113, 185 
116-119 United States, index of economic condi- 
United Kingdom tions, 171, 174c¢, 180c¢ 
business cycles, 177-178 Unskilled laborers 
emigration from, 178-187 emigration, 150¢, 151t, 152¢, 218-219 
compared with economic conditions, immigration, 148¢, 149t, 216-217 
179-187 (see also Occupations) 
peculiarities, 178-179 
to “other” countries, 185-187 Wage-earners, relative to arrivals, 52 
emigration to, 164-165 War period, immigration, 123-124 
industrial composite index, 172, 174¢, Willcox, Walter F., 8 
175t, 180c¢ Wolman, Leo, 6 

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