Full text: Migration and business cycles

year adjusted for the exclusion of hand and neighborhood industries. 
Adjusted figures by months were not obtainable. For 1904, and all 
subsequent Census years, the Census monthly data represented by 
BY MoNTHS, 1889-1922 
Thousands of persons 
YEAR | JAN. | Fes. | Mar. APR. | May [Jone |JoLy | Ave.| Seer. | Oct. | Nov.| Dec. 
Cr DR SC 1 a FS SRE 
1889 ' 388 : 391 | 391 | 390 390 | 390 386 | 388 390 | 393 | 391 | 388 
1890 389 1395 | 399 398 398 398 392 (395 400 405 | 402 ' 400 
1891 402 1 403 | 404 406 407 | 403 399 | 399 403 404 | 403 402 
1892 408 413 | 418 425 424 ' 418 413 | 414 421 426 | 425 421 
1893 423 | 426 | 432 | 435 434 421 399 | 360 337 368 | 368 371 
1894 364 1 370 | 371 378 381/373" '360 | 352" 355 382 | 388 384 
1895 | 398 | 398 | 402 403 407 406 398 402 406 407 410 406 
1896 «402 | 406 | 406 405 405 | 393 373 1 360 367 382 387 391 
1897 | 361 | 393 | 398 403 403 | 393 380 | 374 397 404 404 402 
1898 | 399 | 399 | 406 406 397 | 397 391 | 394 397 407 | 407 408 
1899 417 | 424 | 433 438 439 | 436 433 1 436 445 446 | 451 451 
1900 458 | 462 | 463 456 454 446 430! 437 444 449 | 450 452 
1901 456 457 | 462 451 457 453 449 1 456 465 473 | 476 474 
1902 488 | 489 | 493 488 489 | 486 485 | 487 - 496 506 | 507 503 
1903 507 (F511 | 514 E501 I 498 505 497 496 ' 504 510 | 506 503 
1904 493 | 493 1 499 497 1 492 | 485 473 | 463 474 495 | 497 499 
1905 | 511 | 518 524 525 524 520 517 | 523 532 531 | 534 536 
1906 549 . 552 | 556 555 554 550 546 549 555 563 + 570 570 
1907 : 579 | 589 | 595 590 | 586 | 584 575 | 580 584 586 | 574 545 
1908 | 533 | 527 | 523 514, 510 | 513 510 | 518 | 544 563 ' 563 561 
1909 ' 566 | 573 | 580 577 | 576 | 576 573 ' 581 595 602 604 613 
1910 | 624 628 1 628 622 !' 616 | 601 587 594 ' 597 606 614 614 
1911 612 614 | 619 612 ; 600 | 592 587 | 593 | 605 615 620 620 
1912 612 608 | 621 | 617 | 620 | 620 612 614 626 638 645 646 
1913 640 | 642 | 641 630 | 617 | 611 595 | 607 | 617 622 | 625 622 
1914 627 | 629 634 628 | 619 | 612 596 | 589 589 591 | 587 580 
1915 584 592 | 600 598 595 597 596 608 619 639 ' 651 659 
1916 677 | 687 | 698 697 A 692 689 686 688 689 702 | 719 725 
1917 727 | 734 | 738 721 710 706 696 693 704 716 | 731 737 
1918 723 | 728 1] 741 | 735 734 734 730 | 724 717 701 | 720 708 
1919 696 | 677 | 681 679 | 689 | 705 1 716 | 727 | 736 742 | 752 766 
1920 757 | 749 | 756 | 748 739 720 | 697 | 684 | 669 657 | 611 558 
1921 533s | 559 | 574 | 578 5%4 585 | 578 | 584 | 596 598 | 598 ! 596 
1922 503 | 604 | 603 ' 585 584 | 588 589 | 603 | 629 649 | 662 | 662 
*Computed, by methods described in the accompanying text, from statistics of manufactures, by 
months, published annually in Public Document No. 36 by the Massachusetts Bureau of Statisticsof Labor 
for the years 1886 to 1907, by the Bureau of Statistics for 1908 to 1918, and by the Department of Labor 
and Industries subsequent to 1919. For the years 1904, 1909, 1914, 1919, and 1921 the above estimates are 
the ha Cenms Sf Matufactirey Scagistics for Massachusetts. 
ortion i i i i 
Bras i Lot Je OUgizal gare Jon LW} ich toe above estimates were computed are republished in 

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