Full text: Lenin on organization

direct popular legislation and fail to understand 
that this principle can be applied in modern society 
only conditionally. 
Those who have had experience of practical work 
in our movement know how widespread the ‘‘primi- 
tive” conception of democracy is among the student 
youth and the workers. It is, therefore, not sur- 
prising that this conception should make its influ- 
ence felt in statutes and literature. The economists 
of the Bernstein type have included the following 
clause in their statutes: Ҥ10. All matters con- 
cerning the interests of the whole organization are 
to be decided by a majority vote of all its members!” 
The theoretical economists say: “It is essential 
that all committee decisions should be approved by 
all the circles and only then become binding deci- 
sions” (“Svoboda,” No. 1, p. 67). It should be 
observed that this demand for the wide application 
of the referendum is advocated in addition to the 
demand that the whole organization should be built 
upon the principle of election! We are of course 
far from condemning on this account active work- 
ers who had had only too little opportunity of 
acquainting themselves with the theory and practice 
of real democratic organizations. But when “Ra- 
bochie Delo” which has pretenses to leadership 
confines itself under such conditions to a resolution 
advocating the principle of broad democracy what 
else can we call it but simply a “search after 

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