Full text: Lenin on organization

(From “A Letter to a Comrade on Our Problems 
of Organization,” September, 1902). 
. . . Now a word about the factory circles. 
They are of extreme importance to us: the main 
strength of our movement lies in the workers’ 
organizations in the large factories. For in the large 
factories (and works) are concentrated that section 
of the working class which is not only predomi- 
nant in numbers, but still more predominant in 
influence, development and fighting capacity. 
Every factory must be our stronghold. And that 
means that every “factory” workers’ organization 
must be as conspiratorial internally and as “ram- 
ified” externally, and that its feelers be stretched 
as far and widespread as any revolutionary organ- 
ization.” I emphasize that here again the center, 
the leader, the “boss” must be a group of worker 
revolutionaries. We must break completely with 
the traditional type of purely labor or purely trade 
union organization, not excluding! the “factory” 
circles. The factory group, or the factory (works) 
committee (to distinguish it from other groups of 
which there should be a great number) must con- 
sist of a very small number of revolutionaries who 
will take their instructions and receive their author- 

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