Full text: Lenin on organization

tion for various Party posts may be made from the 
widest possible circle of people, that (through the 
intermediary of the centre) each group may serve 
as a lesson for all the groups of a similar character 
in Russia, and that adequate warning may be given 
in the event of the appearance of provocateurs or 
doubtful persons—in a word, it is necessary from 
every point of view. 
How is this to be done? By regular reports to 
the committee, the transmission of as large a num- 
ber of as much of the contents as possible of these 
reports to the C. O. by arranging that members 
of the C. C. and the local committee should visit 
the circles, and, finally, that the contacts with the 
circles, i. e. the names and addresses of several 
members of each circle, should be transmitted for 
safe-keeping (and to the Party bureaus of the C. O. 
and the C. C.). Only when reports are regularly 
made and contacts transmitted may it be said that 
a Party member participating in a circle is fulfilling 
his duties; only when the Party as a whole is in a 
position to learn from every circle which is carrying 
on practical work, will arrests have lost their terror; 
for if contacts are maintained with the various 
circles it will always be easy for a delegate of the 
C. C. to find a substitute immediately and have the 
work renewed. The arrest of a committee will then 
not destroy the whole machine, but only remove 
the leaders, to replace whom there will always be 
candidates ready. And let it not be said that the 
communication of reports and contacts are impos- 

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