Metadata: Lenin on organization

participant in the work and of every circle belonging 
to, or associating itself with, the Party. This de- 
centralization is an essential condition of revolu- 
tionary centralization and an essential corrective 
to it. When centralization has been fully estab- 
lished and we have a C. 0. and a C. C., it will be 
possible for every group, however small, to commu- 
nicate with them—and not only will it be able to 
communicate with them, but regularity of commu- 
nication will be established by years of experience 
—and the possibility of grievous consequences 
resulting from the chance unfortunate composition 
of a local committee will be removed. Now, when 
Wwe are seriously endeavoring to effect real unity in 
the Party and to create a real leading centre, we 
must particularly bear in mind that the centre will 
be impotent if we do not introduce the maximum of 
decentralization both as far as responsibility to the 
centre and keeping it informed of all the wheels 
and inner wheels of the Party machine are con- 
cerned. This decentralization is only the reverse 
side of the division of labor which is generally recog- 
nized to be one of the most urgent practical needs 
of our movement. The official recognition of a 
given organization as the leading organization, the 
setting up of a formal C. C. is not enough to make 
our movement a real united movement, or to create 
a strong fighting Party if the Party centre is cut off 
from direct practical work by the local committees 
of the old type, i. e. by such as are, on the one hand, 
made up of a great number of persons each of which 

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