Full text: Statistical review of the wool & wool textile trades 1912-1925

(000 Ibs.) 
Countries of Destination. Jan. Feb. Mar. April © May | June. | July. i Aug. Sept. | Oct. Nov. Dec. Total. 
United Kingdom .. ve 390 399 300 405 335 | 361 367 427 1 124 639 340 666 4,752 
Belgium it - . 5 81 —_— 10 12 | 101 — — | 21 70 11 27 277 
France ee oe Ma — 13 12 53 26 12 67 66 — 52 10! rel 311 
Germany: ..© .. ov ws 213 67 32 19 37 48 26 52 101 94 | 56 860 
U.S.A. he +4 ut 43 | 27 ill 27 — 202 663 110 13 162 90 185 | 1.667 
Japan LE ie = — 6 — ~ — — —_ 10 
Canada & : vn i 19 3 14 2 19 65 
Switzerland .. = — —_ : 
Total 553 752 129 537 391 713 1,157 634 244 ' 1,038 547 953 | 7.947 
United Kingdom .. ..] 10,078 6,563 5,616 | 5,194 2,504 3,389 3,276 2,226 993 8,493 | 14,379 | 21,621 | 84,333 
Belgium we . el 801 464 1,380 965 1,136 | 1,444 1,100 1,255 | 907 | 2,440 2,952 3,592 | 18,436 
France ww i ’ 931 1,680 | 2,724 | 3,043 2,544 2,504 949 2,414 | 539 3.472 7,407 9,259 | 37,467 
Holland i wl oe 805 659 385 260 128 | 335 117 7 — 19 319 272 | 3,305 
Germany  .. Er ... 5,669 | 3,429 4,727 1,727 849 | 1,304 924 1,044 985 | 4,587 | 5,061 3,686 | 33,993 
U.S.A. . ol i 11 503 654 236 , 165 710 | 2.458 395 22 93 1,125 | 5,666 | 12,039 
Italy .. ; i a 698 1,017 1,508 478 453 i 406 68 114 155 152 2.435 2,121 9,624 
Sweden’ © .. .. 69 139 126 7 = 72 | 29 7 25 — 44 377 | 960 
Japan . wh o — 90 — 530 — 49 — — ee — 28 220 
Russia, a va i -- —- 1 ~s 2 — — — - 1 
Spain cs 5, 65 16 8 1 58 58 286 
2h 19.061 14.544 | 17.120 12.095 7180 10.231 R.937 7.817 2.626 19.323 ' 33.723 | 46.710 : 200.668 

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