Full text: Statistical review of the wool & wool textile trades 1912-1925

The following points are significant :— 
> 1) Compared with pre-war there are substantial gains in 
125. : : > = 
” exports to Scandinavia, the Far East, U.S.A. and ““ Other 
-00 Countries.” We have lost ground seriously in Centra 
8 y 
bi Europe, the Colonies and South America. From a quantity 
.29 point of view the most important changes are losses in 
2 Central Europe, the Colonies and South America. British 
East Indies is largely responsible for the Colonial decrease. 
40 gely resp 
59 {2) Compared with the previous year, 1925 shows nearly 20 per 
cent. decrease. Japan, China, Australia and Canada are 
94 a ; : : 
principally responsible, accounting together for practically 
the whole of the decrease. Europe and U.S.A. have changed 
little, while South America and “ Other Countries *’ actually 
(3) The proportion of “ All Wool ”’ cloths is much higher in 
ad post-war years, but there is a progressive movement in 
> favour of ‘“ Mixed ”’ cloths. 
a 14) There is a distinct tendency in favour of light cloths in 
un ] : . ; ; 
recent years. Price considerations, and a different quality 
in distribution, are no doubt involved. Extension of design, 
changes in fashion, and in some cases, imitation of worsteds, 
are also responsible. 
(5) A consideration of the Trade Returns of producing countries, 
prices of clothing wools and by-products, compared with 
other classes o° raw material, show that woollens have 
_ been to some extent displacing worsteds, although in the 
26 later months of 1925 a reverse movement began. 
5 (MiLrioN Sq. YDS.) 
> 1913. 1923. 1924. 1928, 
# Norway, Sweden and Denmark os ad - 87 -93 1-26 +91 76 
i5 ‘Germany, Netherlands, Belgium and France 5-92 6-31 -83 +59 +39 
Portugal, Spain, Italy and Greece ... eo 2-39 2-56 2-53 2-01 1-75 
19 Turkey and Egypt... an So on 2-52 2-68 2-38 1-78 1-26 
- China and Japan ia re i .- 10-24 10-93 12-32 14-18 8-62 
3 UA wi ee nd in an en S11-82 C 12-20 q0n6Y 6-00 6.52 
J Mexico and South America ... in on 9-95 10-62 7-66 5-42 5:72 
. ‘Colonies ag i a .. 29-91 31-91 23-67 21-18 18-10 
‘Other Countries er i . .- 4 I 5-10 4-23 3-87 4-18 
Total’ sve = vw. - « 78:11 83-32 62-03 56-83 47-30 

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