Full text: Statistical review of the wool & wool textile trades 1912-1925

Linear Yds. Square Yds. 
1913. 1923. 1924. 1925. 
All Wool TEE ras, eam am LET 29-63 23-58 
Mimed ... 00g cL. LL REL en aan nn 27-20 23-72 
Linings, lastings, etc. ... ld os ve —— 8-38 9-15 8-08 
Other tissues—12 ozs. and over to the sq. yd. 5-78 4-73 3-80 
> —under 12 ozs. to the sq. yd. 48-77 42-96 35-42 
The following points will be noted :— 
(1) Compared with 1913, the year 1925 shows a considerable 
decline in exports. With a few important exceptions the 
decline is general over the world’s markets. The most 
serious falls are U.S.A., British East Indies, Australia, the 
Argentine and Central Europe. The Far East, as in the case 
of woollens, has become a much more important outlet, 
and Canada helps to reduce the deficiency in the Colonies, 
2) Compared with 1924, the year 1925 is very disappointing 
and the heavy progressive decline during the past three 
years calls for careful examination, especially as the setback 
is general. Worsteds lost less ground than woollens during 
1925. Heavy declines in exports to the Far East and Canada 
account for most of the fall, Other markets’ and South 
America actually show slight improvement. 
(3) Post-war years reveal a much higher proportion of “all 
wool ”' exports, and it is evident that our exports have 
mainly lost ground in light, “mixed cloths "—contrary to 
the tendency in “ woollens.” 
4) Quite apart from the question of foreign competition, 
worsteds have been more handicapped than woollens during 
post-war years, which have presented high raw material 
costs, and without the same facilities for substitution and 
cheapening, worsteds have been squeezed against a low 
world purchasing power and a slight turn in fashion most 
noticeable in U.S.A. 
1913. 1923. 1924. 1925. 
Lin. Yds Sq. Yds Sq. Yds. Sq. Yds. 
Damasks, Tapestry and other Furniture 
BI. i el in aa a 108 -263 +325 -419 
Wool and Mohair Plushes ... oa ws 7 1-916 2.229 1-343 
Flannels and Delaines os oes = 7-718 6-594 7-787 5-858 
Pairs. Pairs. Pairs. Pairs. 
Blankets ven 1-002 1-509 2-146 1-137 
Sq. Yds. Sq. Yds. Sq. Yds. Sq. Yds. 
Travelling Rugs, etc. re bre ve 2.032 +942 - 894 ~71% 
Carpets er rr SL 7-065 7.246 6-763 

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