Full text: Statistical review of the wool & wool textile trades 1912-1925

GERMANY — Contd 
(MirrioN Kirogs.) 
Las. Seas 1924. 1925. 
Merino Tops ... ae Ss Ss J 7 3-8 3. 3-8 
Crossbred Tops 2a sos ee see 4-0 2.7 2.4 
(Total®... .- 7-8 6-4 fF 6-2 
Worsted Yarn se oot xe vis r.50 7-91 5-12 5-10 
‘Woollen Yarn a Sa i x S08 «06 01 
Retail Yarn ... ve hs on -80 3-10 2.12 2.02 
Total te es 350 11-08 7-31 7.13 
Tissues .. le vas ots a 23-39 12-89 10-00 10-53 
The omission of Alsace-Lorraine must again be borne in mind in 
comparing pre-war and post-war figures. This fact no doubt contributes 
something to the main changes. The Trade Returns reveal the following 
points :— 
(1) Wool Consumption is much below the pre-war figure and 
merinos have found more favour. In 1923 and 1924 Germany 
relied on South America for a heavy part of the merino 
supplies, but in 1925 a close approximation to pre-war 
proportions was reached. 
(2) Imports of tops have shown little change in recent years, 
but are well below pre-war, especially in crossbreds. 
(3) Imports of yarn on the other hand have increased con- 
siderably, especially in finer counts. 
(4) Exports of tops are well below pre-war, the improvement 
in crossbreds being far outweighed by the decline in merinos. 
(5) Exports of yarn are similarly down, except in yarn for 
retail use. 
(6) Exports are more or less stationary at under half pre-war 
Germany to-day is evidently a larger buyer of semi-manufactured 
goods and retains a good many connections with Alsace-Lorraine. The 
old outlets in Russia, Central Europe and the Near East are gradually 
being developed again, but elsewhere, where her economic advantage is 
less marked, trade is slow to recover. 
The main details of Italian Trade are given on pages 5I and 52. 
Very striking changes have taken place since the War, and Italy has 
changed from a buyer of textile products to a producer with an increasing 
surplus for export. The development on the industrial side is confirmed 

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