Full text: Statistical review of the wool & wool textile trades 1912-1925

TEXTILE TRADE (WOOL) 1913-1925. 
Unit. 1913 1923. “101 1925 1913 | 1923 1924 1925 
Woollen Tissues.. Mil. sq. yds. 141:2 148-6 [164-7 | 132-3 | 100 | 103-8 | 116-64 93-70 
Worsted ae a 78-1 , 62-9 | 56-8 47-3 | 100 80-6 72:73 60-56 
9 Yarn .. Mil lbs. ' 49-9 34-9 | 45:6 1 38:9 | 100 69-9 | 91-38 77-96 
Tops. tom ie . 43-6 39-0 41-1 32.0 | 100 | 89-4 94.27 73-30 
Alpaca and Mo. 
hair Yarn "” 17-2 9:6 8-4 8:0 100 55.8 48-84 46-51 
Carpets .. .. Mil gq. yds. 86 7-1 7-2 6:8 100 82-5 83-72 79-07 
Blankets .« Mil pairs 1-00: 1-5 2-1 1-1: 100 | 151.0 210-00, 110-00 
Woollen Yarn .. Mil. Lbs. 4-81 9.2 8-3 6-0 100 | 191.7 172-91! 125-00 
Rugs. = .. Mil sq. yds. 2:03 9 -89 +71 100 46-3 43-84 34-98 
Wool... Mil. lbs. 28-7 57-8 | 52-3 53-7 100 201-9 182-26 187-11 
Wool Waste  .. " 13-9 17-8 19-7 15-3 100 | 128-0 141-73 110-07 
Noils Yd ve 20-0 20-4 1 20-8 15-1 | 100 | 102-0 104-00 75-50 
Rags Ne «000 cwts. | 203 186 257 294 100 © 91-6 126-60. 144-83 
EXPORTS.— Value (in Million 4). 
1913 1924 1925 1913 1924 © 1925 
Woollen Tissues .. vo 14-47 30-14 26-25 40-529, 44-71% ' 44-529, 
Worsted Tissues .. ve 6-19 10-06 9:03 17-33 14-84 15-32 
»» Yarn ve - 4-99 9-15 ' 17-88 13-97 13-58 i 13-36 
Tops a vi oh 3-65 6-47 5-31 10-22 9-60 { 9:01 
Alpaca and Mohair Yarn .. 2-17 2-04 1-91 6-08 3:03 I 3-24 
Carpets ees vie we 1-54 3:40 3-10 4-31 5:05 5:26 
OtnertManufactures of Wool 71 <97 +96 1-99 1:44 1:63 
Blankets .. ve ve +50 1-56 -95 1-40 2-31 1.61 
Woollen Yarn on we 47 | 1-86 1-50 1-32 2:76 2.54 
Flanoels and Delaines .. +30 -79 65 +84 1-17 1-10 
Rugs a ve os +20 +18 “17 +56 «27 E20 
Damasks .. ve we +02 -10 #13 +06 +15 -22 
Plushes He vo oe +09 +69 +40 +25 1-02 + 68 
Yarns and Manufactures — - = — —_ meine - 
*Total vel 35.71 67-80 53:96 1009, 1009, 100%, 
Wool sri fol he BES] 5-68 5-62 39-179, 45-66 48-879, 
Wool Waste 0 oie +81 1-88 1-48 1-756 15-11 12-87 
Noils ve ae ie 1-37 3-21 2:63 29-65 25-80 22-87 
Rags = > ve +64 1-87 1-77 1-38 13-43 15-39 
Wool, ete.—Total ~~ .. 4:62 12-44 11-50 100%, 100% 1009, 
Grand Total .. 40-33 1 80-24 70-46 
¥ Includes items not separately specified. 

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