Full text: Statistical review of the wool & wool textile trades 1912-1925

{ weaving)/ ~~ ppd)! 4/6 4/3 413 310 | 3/10 | 3/7 3/5 3/5 3/4 3 347 314 
Falk- | River 
Series. N.S.W. Queens- Victoria South | West Tas- Total | New | South Punta | land Plate, |Sundries., Total. 
land. Australial Australia! mania. 'Australiall Zealand.! Africa. | Arena. ! Is. | ete. 
re L £5 ce CER Bee casi fe EE em ger meng, AREERG, 
Jan.-Feb. .. ae 31,495 21,125 9,186 2.333 7,042 64 | 71,445 [I 28,260 | 6,798 4,686 27 808 | 2,023 114,047 
March oie 5 12,608 10,678 7,133 0 1,462 4,601 | 921 37,403 || 23,920 4,078 3,450 — 1,064 1,167 71,082 
May us 9,376 | 4,920 I 6,868 2,467 | 4,611 932 | 29,174 19,732 6,056 | 11,496 | 1,482 | 341 808 | 69,089 
July iy Lo 22,792 17,209 14,059 4,544 5,705 3,409 " 67,718 || 40,228 9,536 ' 21.253 | 2.578 687 835 ' 142,835 
Sept.-Oct. . . - 24,601 26,949 23,608 4,785 6,053 1,236 . 87,232 | 82,145 7,218 26,724 3,290 2,142 4,031 212,782 
Nov.-Deec... . 22436 18,366 15.518 4.579 6,588 393 ! 67.880 61,901 3.526 21,599 276 2,101 6,734 164,017 
Total .. 123,308 | 99.247 | 76,372 | 20.370 | 34.600 | 6,955 |360.852 || 256,186 | 37.212 | 89.208 [F"7.6535 0 7,143 | 15,598 { 773,852 
3/4 3 4

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