Full text: Statistical review of the wool & wool textile trades 1912-1925

Summary of Textile Trade (Wool), 1912-25 —Contd. 
("000 Metrie Quintals.) 
1212. 1913. 1914. 1915. | 1016. 1922. 1923. 1924. 1925. 
Cloths, ete. 
England .. .. 10-38 18-23 13-99 1-78 1-73 6-54 11-10 11-12 6-25 
Belgium .. ..| 3-68 6-03 3-25 -02 | 03 | 7-43 9-79 9-23 5-81 
Germany [1:31 82.75 8 1.90 — —_ 3:62 2.81 2.57 -23 
Spain .. «3-00 0.45 0 1.73 -09 +15 8 — = = — 
aly... .. 2:66 2-38 1-86 ‘12. +291 2:63 3-64 2-151 1-50 
Switzerland -v 2:96 2-85 1-74 :30' -98| 2:26 5-33 4-59 © 4-55 
Turkey .. OE 53 “50 “54 = — | 6:17 5-96 6-05 2-18 
USA .. 1:74 4-00 3-41 07 © +03 | 1:-3¢ 2.54 3.22 9.35 
Argentine .. 1-45 1-64 8 © 09: -33 1-93 4.32 3.77 1-39 
Chili — .. 1:69 2:05 1-64 “11 04 -33 = om : 
Algeria .. .. 3-98 3-61 3.04 -31 -49 1 ag 85 1 
Brazil ie vd « «84 +26 +02 > - 
Others .. oH 0.05 5-13 54 1-90. 4 2,07 : : 
Total  .. 44-85 56-15 38-63 3-45 6-10 ' 44-28 71-21 171-62 | 39-14 
Btuffs— (merinos) 
England .. .e +44 10 -06 = z won -— 
Others .. 3-59 2-26 1-99 +01 z 
Total .. 4-02 2-36 2.05 -01 $22 -81 1-23 
Printed Mousselines 
de Laines ..  -06 -22 -05 “11 -06 -89 69 1-31 1.47 
England .. .. 76-85 1 80-21 | 56-91 2-13 25 19:36 39-61 (0-22 67-84 
Belgium .. er 6-450 7.900 4.83 -01 — 12-15 14-31 14-13 17-57 
Germany «0 1-610 1.03 -40 —_ — 28-65 11-98 40-19 !' 10-10 
Spain .. sil 21 -20 ‘14 +09 07 — or — - 
Italy... F 2k L250 1-20 62 “14 02 3-15 2-44 1.61 2-98 
Switzerland ~~ .. 56 -41 14 09 02 4:57 9-15 10-75 8-07 
USA .. 5-9) 07. 15072.16 0 1-04 73 1:67 3-16 3.00 4-9 
Brazil a re +59 +15 ~§1 -02 <14 — —_ - 
Argentine 01-910 1.3300 1.4] “15 48 1-8 5-38 624 6-6 
Chili ‘ +.B 1-30 “19 07 01 -48 “£1 — 
Others .. .. 10-88 10-87 5-78 44 1-61 7-18 17-53 : 
Total ~~ .. 107-55 110-15 83-17 4-12 3-81 79-94 104-37 174-56 162-29 
Furniture stuffs — == oe 5 a a) 5-45 
Stuffs, Mixed— 
England ..  .. 70 | 1-04 1-02 4-02 8:56 | 10-00 6-88 
Belgium .. .. 2.70| 6-34 4-04 vo | oer 3.32 28 
Germany .. .., -86| .8¢ 54 115 1-25 3.41 A 
Spain oe a -0A -01 : in 
Others .. " 6 6-83 sn «121 9-63 
Total .. 10-50 | 15-06 , 11-67 * © t | 12-20 | 22-22 | 30-47 | 21°F 
* Included in “others.” 
T In 1925, “furniture stuffs” were not included but shown separately. 
I Does not include in 1925 stuffs mixed with silk, amounting to 1-86. 

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