Full text: Statistical review of the wool & wool textile trades 1912-1925

(Million Kilogs). 
1912. : : 1225. 
Belgium oe oe oa wr -81 4 — — 
Denmark oo a ie he 1-15 1-0! +85 -85 
France .. ols 4 an, h +59 — — — 
England vn ” ., ” 3:60 +39 +50 -99 
Italy. .. roe ole oe -99 +28 — -31 
Netherlands or = Sa 2.25 1-05 1-03 1-33 
Norway. . > ie 72 -41 +30 -32 
Austria . . is +59 2-81 1-41 1-01 
Roumania . : on +54 +30 “8s 15 
Russia .. oh os +60 oe 
Sweden . . ot va i +58 -96 +RY -76 
Switzerland oa or 5% 1:65 1-05 : -76 
Turkey .. a ee “ie we 1-55 +13 
British India .. a a vie 1-31 11 af 
China .. ae ie vis 5 +51 -34 1.’ -20 
Japan .. vie ss vis ky 43 -10 
Argentine as ai “i os 1-04 «17 23 
Chile: =... . i 7 +56 +13 
Total ie re vr 23-29 1. 10:53 
(Million Kilogs). 
1913. : 1925. 
England wh vie oy oT 2-23 
Alsace-Lorraine i, es Th == 1-17 Zier -80 
Total Ud clrrn tee a Zh 1-45 4 1435 
ode 1923 1924 W 
Cay +2. 8€ 10-00 
: 1923. 1924. 
© 3% 
or 2:86 0 ee 17 

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