Full text: Statistical review of the wool & wool textile trades 1912-1925

An amazing feature of the past twelve months has been the way 
in which the “carry overs” and the current 1925-26 clips have been 
cleared from the producing centres and easily absorbed without leaving 
at the present time any appreciable stocks, visible or invisible. 
The following tables show the imports and exports of wool from the 
principal countries from July 1st, 1925, to the latest date available, 
compared with the corresponding period for the previous season. 
(MirrLioN LBs.) 
Season. U.K France Germany. U.S.A. 
Iooems EY) 711-0 471-2 231-7 280-5 
Topsail ook TU | 811-8 749-9 297-5 338-3 
Season. Australia. N.Z. 'S. Africa. Argentine’ Uruguay, U.K. UIs. 
Domestic. Re-expts. 
1924/25... 489-7 | 189-4 162-2 206-6 71-8 46-2 290-0 
1925/26 ... 735-3 187-1 | 220-9 287-2 89-9 50-3 359-2 
Apart from New Zealand, there is a large increase in all exports, due 
to ““ carry overs ”’ and an increased clip in the case of Australia. The 
remarkable feature is the complete clearance from producing centres, 
and the comparatively easy absorption in using countries. Fortunately, 
the increased supplies have been well distributed over industrial areas, 
and undue pressure at any point has been avoided. The recently 
developed industries in Italy, Japan and elsewhere have also helped. 
The largest increase in imports is in France, but the recent figure is not 
much different from pre-war. 
The new season is now approaching, and interest is being directed 
to the outlook. 

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