Full text: Statistical review of the wool & wool textile trades 1912-1925

1921-22 CLIP (Wool Sales). 
(’000 bales.) 
Queens- South West 
N.S.W. Victoria. land. Australia. Australia. Tasmania. Total. 
Greasy .. vo 836 598 333 226 68 27 2,088 
Scoured Jy 85 10 39 2 2 — 139 
Total i 921 608 372 229 70 27 2,927 
Fleece, otc. .. 881 571 350 208 64 26 2,101 
Lamb’s 40 37 292 20) 6 2 126 
Total  .. 921 608 372 229 70 27 2,227 
Merino .. en 260 365 214 a 9 1,578 
X bred .. 247 348 7 15 13 18 648 
Total . 921 608 372 229 79 27 2.927 
1923-24 CLIP (Wool Sales). 
(’000 bales.). 
Queens- South West 
N.S.W. Victoria. land. Australia. Australia. Tasmania. Total. 
Greasy .. vie 644 410 246 175 101 23 1,604 
Scoured a 5] 7 31 3 Z — 94 
Total # 695 417 277 178 103 28 1,698 
Fleece, ete... 672 394 267 168 96 27 1,624 
Lamb’s 7 23 23 10 10 7 ! 74 
Total ve 695 417 277 178 103 28 1,698 
Merino . . vid 583 230 275 171 98 ! 1,364 
X bred oe 112 187 2 Eg ne 334 
Total va 695 417 , 277 178 103 28 | 1,698 

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