Full text: Statistical review of the wool & wool textile trades 1912-1925

000 Lbs.) 
1912. 1913. 1914. 1915. 1916. 1921. 1922. 1923. | 1924 
TK... i .. 137,520] 137,811 160,310 142,912] 125,955] 106,313] 200,110" 132,742] 112,33] 
Canada .. i 112 55 189 1,350] 1,295] 1,587 1,624; 1,200] 510 
Australia. oi | a79l 1,262 226" 1,513] ey 217. 202 1,770) 5.408 
Gibraltar : ag —_ — 129 — — — — — we 
France a B27 4.2550 5,087 — 4,368! 699 2) 5,192! 17,267 
U.S.A. ... 5,086 4,682 4,631 5.781] 19,728, Mon] 10,375! 13,1651 3,34 
Japan 2 3: 20 62 1,822  .,964 182 1,067] 5,002 4,548 3,797 
Germany .. .. 5977 6,908 10,267 1,443 7,061 4,619 15,664 
Belgium ..  .. 552 309 696 169 268 61 706 
Austria oa od 23 — — = 
Bengal ve Ls ee — — ) 
Netherlands i Ee 106 240: 3,090 
foly.. . - BE. 351 1,839 448 
India La es 1.516 
South Africa — 
Total .. 152,499] 155,343] 183,985! 154,521 :. 058’ 118,246] 228,129 165,376] 162,03! 
Scoured— —_—— = ——- | 
UR... ve .. 14,218 "e=ag 19951 Co 11.495 34.416 22,783 16,020 
Comada. JL .. 20 2 518 959 260 
Germany .. oe : 3s —_ 44 62 
France we oe 13 — - ~ —— 1 6! 
U.S.A. we .» ; 80 181 60. 194 1 571 i 
Australia ..  .. y : 1c z = 1] 178 # 
Japan sa yo 30 : 
Belgium  .. 3 vo Em 
Italy ole . : = 
India a Ao 
Total .. 14,244 13,000 13,205 16,122 148s. 11,780' 34,969 24,566 17,91 
Sliped— re ee RE le a 
UE... 3 .. 20,269 16,277 21,788! 23,841 21,455 ©7.450| 57,387 25,984 24,688 
Canada .. 795 151 574] 1,302 1,106 - 396 214 7: 
Australia ..  .. 19 29 29 47 2 8 769: 8% 
France A os 13 - — C= - = : TE . 
U.S.A. AR 18 303 5 19 18) 499 0 
Japan .s oh 6 
Belgium ~~ .. >in 
Ttaly “a @ * 
Germany .. 
Total .. .. 21,114 16,750] 22,693 25,342 22,603 © 560 =°244 27,472 26.00 
Washed— ee Lh —_ 
UR... 505 524 564 574 33 210 
Canada . : 24 £4 —_— 
France ir as — 
Australia .: = i 
U.S.A. a, 9 9 
Japan... a. z 
Belgium .. — 
Total .. LI . EE TE 

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