Full text: Statistical review of the wool & wool textile trades 1912-1925

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Poet eRast Bela Ble!  sBeeatl we 22! L2BRES 
(’000 lbs.) 
1921. 1922. 1923. 1924. 1925. 
Total up Total up Total up Total up Total up 
1621. 15:29, 1923. 1924, 1925. to month to month to month to month to month 
ending. ending. ending. ending. ending, 
January .. = oe 10,285 34,504 20,311 122,920 94,919 10,285 34,504 20 311 122 920 94,919 
February .. 5 vs 11,156 41,580 28,735 97,545 106,691 21,440 76,084 49,046 220,465 201,610 
March .. ot = 13,599 32,338 35,111 137,866 117,522 35,039 108,422 84,157 358.331 319,132 
April Ts a 7 23,546 56,317 33,642 80,276 80,295 58,585 164,739 117,799 438,607 399,427 
May G3 + Fe 10,662 37,020 29,215 35,197 60,084 69,247 201,768 147,014 473,804 459,511 
June . x 14,134 44,568 23,049 20,564 16,019 83,382 246,336 170,063 494,368 475,530 
July o% = 17,385 28,891 12,146 16,874 12,456 100 766 275 227 182,209 511,242 487,986 
August .. 14,376 11,126 5,980 9,589 17,616 115,143 286,353 188,189 520,831 505,602 
September +h os 18,739 13,364 5,736 15,403 4,957 133,882 299,717 193,925 536,234 510,559 
October .. = a 5,488 6,288 4,464 12,379 7,675 139,370 306,005 198,389 548,613 518,234 
November. . 9,437 5,329 3,404 5,261 18,997 148,807 311,334 201,793 553,874 537,231 
December . . ot 9.944 9.301 15.771 39.153 59.664 158.715 320,635 217,564 593.027 596,895 
T tal 3 .. 158,715 320,635 217,564 593,027 596,895 158,715 320,635 217,564 593,027 596,895 
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