Contents: To prevent the sale of cotton and grain in future markets

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SEC. 2. It shall be unlawful for any person to send, or cause to be 
ent, any message offering to make or enter into a contract for the 
urchase or sale for future delivery of cotton or grain without in- 
ending that such cotton or grain shall be actually delivered or re- 
eived, or. offering to make or enter into a contract whereby any 
arty thereto, or any party for whom or in whose behalf such con- 
ract is made, requires the right or privileges to demand in the future 
he acceptance or delivery of cotton or grain without being thereb 
bligated to accept or to deliver such cotton or grain; and the trans- 
ission of any message relating to any such transaction is hereby 
eclared to be an interference with commerce among the States and 
erritories and with foreign nations. Any person who shall be 
uilty of violating this section shall, upon conviction thereof, be 
ined in any sum not more than $10,000 nor less than $1,000, or shall 
e imprisoned for not more than six months nor less than one month, 
r both such fine and imprisonment, and the sending or causing to 
e sent of each such message shall constitute a separate offense. 
SEC. 3. It shall be the duty of any person sending any message 
elating to a contract or to the making of a contract for future de- 
ivery of cotton or grain to furnish to the person transmitting such 
essage an affidavit stating that he is the owner of such cotton or 
rain and that he has the intention to deliver such cotton or grain; 
r that such cotton or grain is at the time in actual course of growth 
n land owned, controlled, or cultivated by him, and that he has the 
intention to deliver such cotton or grain; or that he is at the time 
egally entitled to the future possession of such cotton or grain under 
nd by authority of a contract for the sale and future delivery thereof. 
reviously made by the owner of such cotton or grain, giving the 
ame of the party or names of parties to such contract and the time 
hen and the place where such contract was made and the price 
herein stipulated, and that he has the intention to deliver such cotton 
or grain! or that he has the intention to acquire and deliver such 
otton or grain; or that he has the intention to receive and pay for, 
uch cotton or grain: Provided, That any person electing to do so 
may file with the telegraph, telephone, wireless telegraph, or cable 
ompany an affidavit stating that the message or messages being 
sent, or to be sent, for the six months next ensuing by such person 
o not and will relate to any such contract or offers to contract as 
re described in section 2 of this act, and any such company shall 
issue thereupon a certificate evidencing the fact that such affidavit 
as been duly filed, and such certificate shall be accepted in lieu of 
he affidavit herein required at all the transmitting offices of such 
ompany during the life of said affidavit. Any person who knowingly 
hall make a false statement in any affidavit provided for in this act 
shall be punished by a fine of not more than $5,000 nor less than $500, 
or shall be imprisoned for not more than two years nor less than one 
year, or by both such fine and imprisonment. And any prosecution 
nder the provisions of sections 2 or 3 of this act the proof of failure 
o make any affidavit herein required shall be prima facie evidence 
hat said message or messages related to a contract prohibited by 
ection 2 of this act, and the proof of failure to deliver or receive 
he cotton or grain called for in any contract for future delivery of 
otton or grain shall be prima facie evidence that there was no in-

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