upon the ancient religion by their preaching. The
missionaries led by Patrick were singing this hymn
of pleading for protection by the Almighty as they
came to the place of ambush and the eyes of their
enemies were held and did not see them but saw only
a harmless herd of gentle deer go by. Hence the
hymn’s title. Dr. Sigerson translated the hymn in
the same measure, metre and rhythm as the original
and this will give the modern student of the subject
some idea of the perfection of rhyme in poetry
among the Irish at this time.
“I bind me today, ;
God’s might to direct me,
God's power to protect me,
God's wisdom for learning,
God’s eye for discerning,
God's ear for my hearing,
God’s word for my clearing.
“God's hand for my cover,
God's path to pass over,
God's buckler to guard me,
God’s army to ward me,
Against snares of the devil,
Against vice’s temptation,
Against wrong inclination,
Against men who plot evil,
Anear or afar, with many or few.
“Christ near,
Christ here,