tioned (the eighth century) the great period of art
of the earlier Renaissance in the thirteenth century
and of the later Renaissance in the fifteenth and six-
teenth were as yet so far away in the distant future,
that it would seem a priori quite out of the question
that any such assertion could possibly be true. Only
that we have the book itself to bear out the asser-
tion, no one would believe for a moment that the
rude and barbarous people whom almost all the
world would inevitably suppose the Irish to have
been in the eighth century could by any possible
stretch of the imagination be conceived as making
and completing the most beautiful book that ever
came from the hand of man. And yet this is exactly
what the actual specimen that we possess demon-
strates beyond all doubt.
There are a number of these marvelous old Irish
books though one stands out above all the others.
The world is now very well agreed that the Irish
illumination of manuscript which characterizes these
books is the most beautiful of its genre that ever
was done. It is a never ending source of surprise
that over a thousand years ago the Irish should have
thought so much of books as to devote all this time
and labor as well as painstaking artistry to them,
but we have a number of striking examples as the
proofs and we can only listen to the declarations of
those who know them best. Father Power in his
“Early Christian Ireland” said:
“There suddenly blazed forth in the eighth cen-