Full text: The world's debt to the Irish

Kendrick for Sisters of Charity from Emmitsburg. 
The call was responded to promptly; indeed the 
Sisters started two hours after the summons was 
received. They took in hand the whole desperate 
situation, at once restored order and disseminated 
about them an atmosphere of tranquillity and quiet 
energy.” Miss Nutting and Miss Dock whom we 
have been quoting do not tell that it cost the lives 
of two of the Sisters though they do say that this 
“one short interregnum of peace broke the long and 
distressing reign of violence, neglect and cruelty in 
Blockley.” “The Sisters remained for some months 
and their work was so deeply appreciated by the 
guardians that the Committee of the House, in a 
set of resolutions commending their great services, 
resolved also that they be requested to remain per- 
This however could not be for there were not 
enough Sisters properly to undertake the great work 
and then too their superiors felt that there were 
other needs in social service for which they should 
be employed. After all the Sisters of Charity were 
in training at that time rather for education than 
for hospital work, though when they came to realize 
the immense and intense needs in this department 
of human necessities they devoted themselves to 
this work particularly. As it was, in 1832, the 
“guardians of Blockley were obliged to let them go 
with glowing tributes which may well have been 
These hospital conditions were horrible but they 

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