Full text: The world's debt to the Irish

Brigantium, 39 Carinthia, 43 
Brigh, 276 Carinthians, 43 
British Museum, 149, 150 Carmen Paschale, 114, 407 
Britons, 31 Carolingian Period, Miniatures Be- 
Brogan, St., Hymn of, 264 fore, 135 
brogue, Irish, 8, 301; Shakespearean, Carrickfergus, 202 
299 Carroll, Archbishop, 334; Charles, 
Broin Bearg, 228 346; Louis Ely, 127 
Brompton, 93 Carthage, 32, 42, 43 
brooch of Tara, 157, 158 Carty, 231 
Brunehault, 39 Carver, Professor, 218 
Bryant, Miss Sophie, 184, 236 Cashel, 241; Archbishop of, 28 
Buchanan, James, 346 Cassidy, Father, 282 
Buddhists, 227 “Cassius, purple of,” 146 
buinne, 95 castanet, 96 
bulls, Irish, 69 Castle, King John's, 169 
Bunker Hill, 414 Cataldo, St., 35 
Burgundy, 37 Cathal, 35 
Burk, John Daly, 328 Catherine, Mother, 366 
Burke, 335 Catholic nun, 383 
Burkes, 405 “Cattle Raid, The Cualnge,” 57, 60 
Burris, 406 Catullus, 115 
Butler, General Ben, 397 “Cave, the Ivy,” 201 
Byrne, Dr. John, 336; Oliver, 332 Celestine, Pope, 182 
Cellach, 26, 117; The Lament of, 
cabbage stump, 245 117 
Cable, Atlantic, 331 Celtique, Cours de Literature, 64 
Cabot, Sebastian, 404 Cenannus, 408 
Caer Briton, 179 Century Magazine, 56 
Caesarean operation, 236 Chad, St., 26; Gospels of, 140 
Cairnech of Cornwall, 181; Memo- Chalice of Ardagh, 154 
ries of, 181 Charaka, 227 
Caladbolg, 79 Charlemagne, 19, 200, 213, 281, 
culetfwlch, 79 403 
Caliburnus, 79 Charles II, 97: the Bald, 211, 403; 
“Callino Casturane,” 98 the Great, 19 
Cambrensis, Giraldus, 128, 268 Charleston, 335 
Canada, 49 Charlestown, 394 
“Canada, The Irish in,” 341 Charleville, 383 
Canadian French, 8 Charter, Irish Christian, 185 
Canal, Erie, 330; Middlesex, 332 Charity, 362 
Canterbury Tales, Chaucer's, 327 Charity, Irish Sisters of, 364; Sis- 
Capella Martianus, 92 ters of, 355, 364 
Cappagh, 375 Chavannes, Puvis du, 142 
carbon, inks, 144 Chesapeake Bay, 44 
Carlow, 383 “Chicago Tribune,” 329 

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