Full text: The world's debt to the Irish

Cork, 332, 360, 383 De Costa, 46 
corn, 95 Dee, Michael, 329 
Coroticus, Epistle to, 194 “Deer's Cry, The,” 111 
Corrigan, Dr., 234, 361 Deirdre, 53, 100, 281 
Corterreal, 404 Delaney, 335 
Cos, 225 Delaware, first governor of, 335 
Cosmographie Universelle, 404 Derby, 303 
cowcumber, 323 De Roo, Father, 43, 405 
Craig, 96 Derry, 31 
crann cuil, 95 Desceliers, Peter, 404 
craoibh cuil, 95 Desmonds, 405 
Crawford, Thomas, 333 “Despatch, Pittsburgh,” 329 
“Creatures, Hymn of the,” 111 “Detroit Evening News,” 329 
“Crimea, Memories of the,” 416 Dickens, 351 
Crimmins, John D., 332 Dicuil, 213, 215, 403 
Crockett, Davy, 347 Dies Irae, 148 
Cromwell, 170 dillisk, 243 
Cromwellians, 406 dilse, 242 
Cross, Manx, Scottish, Welsh, 175 Dimma, Book of, 139 
Cruachan's land, 402 Dimphna, 290 
cruit, 95 Diuma, 26 
Crusades, 145 “Divine Comedy, The,” 74 
Cuchulain, 53, 57, 64, 100, 281, 407 Dixie, 89 
cuisleanna, 95 Dobla, Bishop, 41 
culture, medieval, 20 Dock, Miss, 350 
cures that fail, 412 dominions, Austrasian, 39 
Cuthbert, St., 26, 29; Gospels of, Donatus, St., 403 
140 Donnchadh, 92 
cycle, conchobar, 57; Red Branch, Donnybrook, 375 
57, 100; Ulster, 57 door and floor, 311 
cymbalum, 95 Dougherty, 335; Cardinal, 333 
Cymbric, 78 Dowland, John, 98 
Dr. O’Curry’s Lectures, 188 
Dagobert, 40 Drane, Augusta Theodosia, 202 
daimones, 67 Drogheda, 408 
Daire, daughter of, 284 drouth and drought, 321 
Damasius, Pope, 27 Druids, 110 
Danes, 405 Duane, William, 329 
Dante, 72, 83, 132, 403; Irish pre- Dublin, 360, 371; Archbishop of, 
cursors of, 72 380; hospital, 371; National Mu- 
Darwin, 190 seum of, 150 
Davies, Sir John, 187 Dubthach, 114 
deafness and marriage consanguinity,  dulse, 242 
248 Dumbarton, 179 
Deaver, Dr. John, 337 “Dun, The Book of the,” 62 
Declan, St., 182 Dungal, 213, 403 
Declaration Signers, 345 Dunlap, John, 328 

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