Full text: The world's debt to the Irish

Regiomontanus, 201 Sanskrit, 55 
Relations, Jesuit, 343 Sassenach, 119 
religion and science, 413 Saxon Quarter, 31 
‘shepherds’, 180 Scattery Island, 23, 152 
remedies, absurd, 412 schedae de Islandia, 19 
remuneration, 390 scholars, Irish, 411; “poor,” 411 
Renaissance, 2, 12, 175, 402 schoolmaster, hedge, 411 
“Review, American Ecclesiastical,” science and religion, 413 
340 Scotland, 39, 204 
Revolution, Irish in, 344, 414 “Scotland in Early Christian Times,” 
Revolutionary War, 413 152 
Rheinau, 213 Scotorum ingenium, 400 
rhyme in poetry, 5, 7, 103 Scott, Darby, 97; Sir Walter, 61 
“ not cramping, 107 Scotus, Marianus, 403 
Riordan, Archbishop, 334 *“  Sedulius, 212 
Roach, John, 332 Scriptures, 208 
road book, first, 330 Searle, Ambrose, 414 
Rogers, Samuel, 316 Sedulius, 114, 407, 408 
Roland, Song of, 280 Senchus Mor, 184, 186, 411 
Roman law, 410 Shahan, Bishop, 35, 38, 63, 75, 405 
Rome, 43 Shakespeare, 8 
Rome and room, 303 Shakespeare's brogue, 327 
Ronnat, 284 gt pronunciation, 297 
Roosevelt, President, 54, 278, 280, Shakespearean puns, 307 
317, 346 shall and «will, 320 
Rosg, 109 shampooing, 231 
rotta, 95 Shannon, navigation of, 329 
Round Tower, 168; Danish, 169; shell fish, colors, 144 
origin of, 168 shepherds’ religion, 180 
route and rout, 310 shrine, 151 
Rupert, St., 41 ‘‘sick maintenance,” 236 
Ruskin, John, 132 Sigebert, 25 
Rutledge, Edward, 346 Sigerson, Dr., 112, 117, 282, 408 
Ryan, Archbishop, 334 Signers, Declaration, 345 
Slane, Hill of, 110 
sabbatic period, 241 slaves, child, 356 
sagas, Irish, 3 Sleamish, Mountain of, 180 
“Sagas, The Ancient Irish,” 56, 280  Sletty, 258 
Saint Gaudens, Augustus, 333 slums, worst, 360 
“saints and scholars, island of,” 3, Smith, John Blair, 334 
13,1178 “James, 346 
saints, Irish, 404 (i Richard, 329 
“Saints, The Well of the,” 82 Smyth, Thomas, 334 
Saintsbury, Professor, 148 social service, 9, 296, 349, 362; 
Salem, 332 abuses, 9 
Salzburg, 4, 42, 43; Archbishop of, Society, American Irish Historical, 
403 328 

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