Full text: An outline of the Mitsubishi enterprises

General view of the Kobe Worls. 
Point, at the south western end of Kobe Harbour, and stands side 
by side with the workshops of the Mitsubishi Kobe Shipyard and 
the Mitsubishi Kobe Internal Combustion Engine Works, and covers 
an area of 4.75 acres with floor space of 3.44 acres having an annual 
productive capacity of Yen 7,000,000 at normal working, and Yen 
10,000,000 when working at top pressure. 
Although the Kobe Works is engaged principally in manufac- 
turing general electrical machinery, it possesses special facilities for 
supplying plant to be connected with engines, turbines, hoisting 
machinery, etc. made by the neighbouring works of its sister con- 
The following are the principal machineries manufactured,

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