Full text: An outline of the Mitsubishi enterprises

The Mitsubishi Club is composed of members of the staffs of 
the Mitsubishi Goshi Kaisha,and the auxiliary companies it controls. 
The object of the Club, besides affording a means for amuse- 
ment, is the improvement in the health and promoting the spirit of 
goodfellowship among its members, by providing opportunities for 
intercourse and facilities for exercise and recreation. Its ultimate 
aim is the development of individual character and the inculeation 
of the “Mitsubishi Spirit”, so that members may worthily uphold 
the high reputation enjoyed so long by Mitsubishi men. 
The Club is divided into six sections : — 
General Affairs Section 
Fencing & Jujitsu Section 
Archery Section 
Boating Section 
Out-door Sports Section 
Literary Section 
There are, at present, 38 branches of the Club in connection 
with the various Branch Offices, Mines, Coal Mines and Shipyards 
of the Mitsubishi Companies. The total membership is 8,000 and 
for the support of the Club a considerable sum of money is dis- 
bursed yearly from the coffer of the Mitsubishi Goshi Kaisha. 
*3®( THE END )ge 
Printed by Mitsubishi

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