Full text: Outlines of the raw silk industry in Japan 1926

The Raw Silk Association of Japan 
Main Office:  Yuraku-kan Bldg., Marunouchi, Tokio, Japan. 
Branch Office: In U. S. A., 225 Fifth Avenue, New York City. 
President: G. Shimura Secretary: Y. Takatori 
Vice-President: Dr. T. Kagayama New York Representative: K. Isome 
This Association was organized in 1915 according to the act of raw silk 
industry as the central organization of 80 local trade associations and repre- 
sents every business interest of sericultural, and raw silk reeling and also silk 
The local trade Association which constitute the Raw Silk Association 
of Japan are classified by their character as follows: 
Prefectural Association of Sericulturists, enepmemmeees Sn aS 
Prefectural Association of Silkworm Egg-Cards Producers. .... 34 
Prefectural Association of Raw Silk Reelers.................. 31 
Prefectural Association of United Association of Reelers, Seri- 
culturist and Silkworm Egg Producer (Graineur)........ 5 
Raw Silk Dealer and Exporter’s Association (in Yokohama 
City and - Roba Clyro rile 7s, oo SE 
aly, re is ad 2) 
From each member association one to four representatives are elected 
according to production in their district, and attend the convention in which 
important problems of raw silk industry are discussed. 
There are 22 special representatives appointed by the Minister of the 
Department of Agriculture and Forestry of the Imperial Government. As the 
executive organization of this Association, 30 councillors are elected in general 
meeting, in ratio of 2 to 1, between members from representatives and special 
members, respectively. Semi-official in its character, it receives a governmental 
subsidy every year. 
The aim and business of this Association are: 
1. To correct every bad custom and do away with defects prevailing in 
raw silk industry and its trade. 
2. To research legal procedures necessary in raw silk industry and to 
publish its opinion and results. 
3. To invest and research the facts and policies necessary for improve- 
ment of this industry, and to make efforts to realize them. 
4. To reply officially to a questionnaire on this industry given by the 
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