Full text: Outlines of the raw silk industry in Japan 1926

For the purpose of simplyfying the following statistics, § years’ figures are given—the 
last 3 years, the boom time cf 1919 and the pre-war time of 1913. 
Acreage of Mulberry Plantation 
Planta- Estimated Acreage of ~~ Percentage 
tion Zl Total Cultivated of 
Year cho cho cho Land cho Mulberry 
1924... «0c 464 07481 3 ENS 37 387 6,065,165 0.89 
1923... 5s Re B50, 231 vo 89 T2190 6,039,022 0.88 
IND reo ddl 71 5. PSV SEES SH) 6,071,888 0.86 
1913. . oon IES67 GSR A 51/55 ae 1 260 5,793,808 0.79 
(1 “cho” 1s about 214 acres.) 
Production of Silkworm Eggs 
(Unit Moth) 
SiLkworMm Ecacs 
No. of For For 
Year Producers ~~ Breeding Raising Total 
M924. 0 0s a ES 057 15,811 156 698,596,876 714,408,032 
JOR oo fo i aad 8,485 17,509,967 713,595,053 731,105,020 
YL rad iv 176 28,954,219 886,567,354 015,521,573 
HOLT. sii. bat re SEO Bais ERE 671,757,313 
*Before 1917, the number of moths for breeding is not mentioned in statistics 
Sericultural Industry 
Number OF Raiser’s Famivies Excacep Anp Numser OF EGG-Carps HaTcHED 
Number ~~ Number Percentage Summer 
of Serscul- of All of Seri- Spring and 
Year turists Farmers  culturists Autumn Total 
1925 1,944,706 ho . 7,610,179 10,249,316 17,859,495 
1924 1,69 166 129 i 7,550,242 9,311,270 16,861,512 
1923 1,862,063 - «020 4 7,043,462 9,177,892 17,021,354 
1919  1,94.,.52 -1,187 3.5 9 543,146 12,938,053 22,481,199 
1913 1,500,280 5,443,719 2.8 9,521,085 8,905,398 18,426,483 
The number of cards is calculated with eggs of 28 moths laid on each card. 
36 Je

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