Full text: The economic theory ot the leisure class

Abstraction, 183 Capitalism, ‘16, 34, 47, 48, 52, 
Accumulation, 60 114, 150, 207 
Adler, Karl, 200-201 Capitalists, 24, 53, 67, 92, 93, 
Aggregates, 42, 52, 56, 86 111, 124, 203, 204 
Agio (commission), 131, 153, Carver, Thomas Nixon, 181, 187, 
202, 204, 207 138, 103, 197, 203 
American School, 31, 32 Cassel, Gustav, 194, 195 
Ammon, Alfred, 178 Caucus, see Parliamentary cau- 
Austrian School, 9, 10, 23, 20, cus 
32, 34, 35, 43, 52, 53, 55, 56, Charasoff, George, 56, 127, 179 
57, 60, 64, 65, 70, 71, 81, 82, Chrematistics, 156 
et passim Christiania, see Oslo 
Chuprov, A., 176, 179, 180 
Banks, 24 Circulus vitiosus, see Vicious 
’ Circles 
Barrel-staves, 201 
Bastiat Frédéric, 41, 181 Cinrt, doa Bates, 31, 34, 156, 
Berdyayev, 163 +) : n 
Bernstein, Eduard, 202 Condillac, L’Abbé de, 21, 32, 69, 
Bsnm-Bawerk, Brsen von, 7:9, SR 2 120, I22 
17, 23, 29, 31, 34, 38, 40, 41, “O10 PUSH; 20:58, 720,32 
60, 6 
a 3 > iy 37:20, 0008 Copper prices, 96, 97, 200 
3, 05, 07, 03, 70, 71, 73, 75, C Tigo) 
et passim ossa, Luigi, 21, 22 _ 
Bortkievitz, Ladislaus von, 130, Coupon-cutiess, see Reuliors 
134, 141, 205, 207 Covering (supply) 129, 132 
Boudin, Louis B., 182, 187 
Bread, price of, 78, 79, 83, 84, : 
116 Daltonism, 118 
Biicher, Karl, 17 Deis, Pant 24 
’ 2 emand, 85, 129 
Pp ¥63, 154,356, Dizmonds, rarity of, 83 
Buyers, see Purchasers Dietzel, Heinrich, 49, 119, 176, 
189, 190, 200 
Division of labour, 66 
Canard, N. F., 207, 208 Diihring, Eugen, 185 
Capital, 16, 50, 51, 52, 112, 114, Dynamics of capitalist society, 
135, 149, 185, 189, 203 oy 59

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