Full text: General information about protection of trade marks prints and labels

For photostat copies of records: 
Size 10 by 15 inches, per copy - ——-..---. mm mma me BON 2S 
Size 8 by 1214 inches, per copy - _—-——______. Bs 513 
If certified, for the certificate, additional _____ .25 
For recording every assignment, power of attorney, or other paper of 300 
wordsoriunder Jl. iia REE EE AT Tae SESE Sas TRA00 
Of over 300 and under 1,000 words__._____.. Seanad 2800 
And for each additional thousand words or fraction thereof._______ 1. 00 
For each additional trade-mark or application involved in one writing 
where more than one is so included or involved, additional. _____ «25 
For abstracts of title: 
For the search, one hour or less, and certificate. __ satii. Yial00 
Each additional hour or fraction thereof _ ____ dice "141400 
For each brief from the digest of assignments of 200 words or less. . . 20 
Each additional hundred words or fraction thereof __________. «10 
For searching titles or records, one hour or less_____ re 1. 00 
Each additional hour or fraction thereof _ _ _ __. ? 1. 00 
For a single printed copy of statement, declaration, and drawing_. +10 
If certified, for the grant, additional. _______ ad LAS 150 
For the certificate. -. .25 
The Official Gazette, a weekly publication, has been issued since 
1872, containing claims of all patents issued, including reissues and 
designs, with portions of the drawings selected to illustrate the 
inventions claimed; illustrations of #rade-marks published, and lists 
of trade-marks, prints, and labels registered, and decisions rendered 
by the courts in patent and trade-mark cases and by the Commissioner 
of Patents, and other special matters of interest to inventors. The 
Gazette is furnished to subscribers at the rate of $5 per annum. 
When sent abroad, an additional charge is made for the payment of 
postage. Single copies are furnished for 10 cents. All orders and 
remittances for the Gazette should be sent to the Superintendent of 
Documents, Government Printing Office, Washington, D. C. The 
Gazette is issued in monthly volumes. An’ index is published 
The decision section is issued separately at 5 cents each or $2.50 
a year. 
The trade-mark section, including registered labels and prints 
is issued separately at 5 cents each or $2.50 a year. 

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