Full text: General information about protection of trade marks prints and labels

wners of ! To ; 
in fovekm oy Js rw or prospective business 
foreign counts Tn ; r trade-mark laws in those 
protect their If y take proper steps in time to 
In many f Sr , ; 
registration fo 2 aL atm for a resident to obtain 
Such registrat war may used it in trade. 
procured by 1 fT e Bind States have been 
stop the mp¢ cia it oy oy the registrations to 
It is desirabl tor At ry of goods bearing the mark. 
hair marke k sa : Ee erican manufacturers to protect 
they may do’ 2 bo Soh Py hk countries with which 
the foreign cf tte goods bearing the marks into 
ie, gasenytialihale Poe in the United States generally 
tration has b fn thie — countries, and after regis- 
may frequent wistritio unity the ‘owner of the mark 
ho has actus in the foreign countries before 
tear Toast ; i i Boe The duration of a certifi- 
Jaws, but fre Ra es varies according to the local 
registration. | me period as the United States 
Circulars ot + Pr . 
ire i 9 Se in Europe and Latin America 
Commerce, of Commer eau of Foreign and Domestic 
that bureau # TF dvi rece, Washington, D. C.,” and 
vise with respect thereto. 

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