Full text: General information about protection of trade marks prints and labels

the registration expires a new application for its reregistration must 
be filed. 
The owner of a trade-mark registered in the United States Patent 
Office on payment of $5 may have his mark certified to the Inter- 
national Bureau at Habana, and so have it reported to the 
Central and South American countries adhering to the Buenos Aires 
convention of 1910. For such purpose the owner must furnish (see 
Form W, p. 20) (A) International money order for $50 payable to the 
“ Director of the International Bureau, Habana.” (B) Electrotype 
of the mark exactly as registered, no larger than 10 centimeters 
(approximately 3.9 inches) in either dimension. (C) Statement 
setting forth (1) name and address of the owner of the mark; (2) 
number and date of registration in the United States; (3) Spanish 
translation of the particular description of goods as stated in the 
certificate of registration. (The office is not in a position to furnish 
this translation; it must always be furnished by the applicant.) 
(D) If color is claimed in the registered mark, 30 copies, printed on 
paper and reproduced in color, must be furnished. 
All fees must be pard in advance in specie, Treasury notes, or national- 
bank notes, or post-office money orders or certified checks, payable 
to the “ Commissioner of Patents.” Money sent by mail will be at the 
risk of the sender. Letters containing money should be registered. 
Postage stamps will not be accepted. 
On payment of the proper fee anyone may procure a copy of any 
record, book, paper, or drawing relating to trade-marks belonging to 
the Patent Office, certified according to law. 
An order for a copy of assignment must give the liber and page of 
the record, as well as the name of the registrant; otherwise an extra 
charge will be made for the time consumed in searching for such 
On filing each original application for registration of a trade-mark______ $10. 00 
On filing each application for renewal of the registration of a trade-mark. 10.00 
On filing each application for a communication to the International 
Buren, Haan at rT Tra errr mpi bere 00 
On filing notice of opposition to the registration of a trade-mark___.____ 10. 00 
On appeal from the examiner in charge of trade-marks to the Commis- 
sioner of Patents under the act of February 20, 1905. _____._.___.___ 15.00 
On.appeal from the decision of the examiner in charge of interferences, 
awarding ownership of a trade-mark or canceling the registration of a 
trade-mark, to the Commissioner of Patents... coe oor eco 15400 
On appeal from the decision of the examiner in charge of trade-marks on a 
motion for the dissolution of an interference on the ground of noninter- 
ference in fact or nonregistrability of a mark, to the Commissioner of 
Patents... ... =. mms 2500 
For manuseript copies, for every 100 words or fraction thereof. _______ . 10 

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