Full text: Report of the National Conference on utilization of forest products

National Conference on Forest Products 
nd can see red. But they are not quit- of making balsam wool for insulating, 
op- ters, and we may profitably consider sound-deadening, and other purposes 
ed what they are doing. from the screenings of the paper mill 
ht, Northern Minnesota has literally and mill waste, and will manufacture 
ISS millions of acres that are better and sell this year about 7,000,000 feet. 
adapted to growing timber than to It has conducted extensive experi- 
ste agriculture. It grows the valuable ments and costly operations for the 
at white and Norway pine and spruce. development of a synthetic board from 
rn- Also, in great abundance, what the mill waste. Other factories are using 
he Secretary has called ‘“little-used some of these products. For instance, 
m- species” and what with us has been the G. & W. Sash Co. is expanding 
S8- termed “weed woods,” the rapid- into a large plant, and in part uses 
as growing aspen, birch, and jack pine. balsam wool and synthetic board in 
re- While our growing season is short, the construction of refrigerators. The 
he these species grow naturally and con- Commercial Woodworking Co. is using 
ler stantly, and if fires are kept out, and mill waste for making paper roll 
all of them profitably used and waste plugs, paper frames, wire reels, and 
ler eliminated, the number and variety of other specialties. 
id. our timber-using industries could be You will note that these develop- 
‘he multiplied many times and continue to ments are along three distinct lines: 
ng serve humanity as long as the world The manufacture and utilization of 
rst endures. lumber and wood in an increasing 
ns It is said that adversity does not variety of ways and down to the 
es- kill, but we have it on divine au- smallest pieces; the utilization of all 
thority that “ where there is no vision the fiber woods in the making of 
rly the people perish.” Cloquet’s vision is paper and fiber products; the utiliza- 
O1- that this complete, profitable, and tion of the sawdust, bark, and refuse 
elr perpetual utilization of all our woods from all of these processes. Thus we 
‘he can be accomplished. are utilizing everything but the whis- 
se- It would be a privilege if I could pering in the tree tops. These de- 
ro- speak to you again at the end of the velopments are by no means at an end, 
ity next 40 years. Not that I could hope but will multiply. and intensify wood 
ta to prepare another 15-minute speech utilization. 
of in that limited time, but experience Large problems remain, such as in- 
ser makes me hopeful that I might then creased fire protection, wise and right 
or- correct many of the mistakes in this methods of taxation, and the adjust- 
rst one. ment of industries to our natural and 
se Our lumber mills have been restored well-balanced wood rations. 
1er to a capacity of 150,000,000 feet per This brings out what the Secretary 
of year. The box factory of Rathborne, desired—the advantage of grouping 
che Hair & Ridgeway Co. uses 20,000,000 diversified industries adjacent to a 
ied feet annually of short material in its continuous timber supply. The prin- 
or- daily output of about 7,000 boxes. The ciple is exemplified in Cloquet: That 
ce, toothpick factory of Berst-Forster, complete utilization is only possible 
len Dixfield Co. is using annually 2,000,000 when highly specialized mills cluster 
feet of white birch logs in its daily around the larger mills and utilize 
ck- output of 62,000,000 toothpicks, 250,- their waste. No one of these special- 
sep 000 tongue depressors, 500,000 throat ized mills could go into the woods for 
to swabs, and 400,000 clothespins. The their raw material. The cost would 
paper mill of the Northwest Paper Co. be prohibitive. 
the had been manufacturing from spruce This work has restored Cloquet. It 
ed and balsam about 60 tons of print is a city of beautiful homes, churches, 
es, paper per day. This mill has been schools, public buildings, parks, and 
eir entirely reconstructed and enlarged so successful business houses, and a prof- 
nd as to use 100,000 cords per year of itable market for the surrounding 
es. our little-used species, aspen, birch, farm and timber crops. 
in Jack pine, and tamarack, in making Cloquet can never fail to appreciate 
of book and wrapping papers. We are the inspiring and helpful cooperation 
not yet producing standard stocks in of all the various Federal and State 
hot ¢ccmmercial volume, but what has been agriculture and forestry departments 
ng. accomplished gives assurance that the and their efficient corps of workers, of 
an, product of these “weed woods” will lembermen and all Cloquet’s co- 
in. make the best book and wrapping workers, and acknowledges its deep 
ore papers manufactured, obligation to the honored president of 
ve The Wood Conversion Co. was our national association, Frank G. 
nd primarily organized to utilize mill Wisner, whose purposes are always 
ey waste. It has developed the process noble and sincere, and whose tireless 

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