42 Miscellaneous Circular 39, U. S. Dept. of Agriculture
of better manufacture of lumber, Selling price is the great unknown
through seeing the work actually ac- quantity of the lumber industry that
complished at one of these units. is creating more waste to-day than
The small sawmill man, like the any other factor in it. To mention
small farmer, loses much in the dis- selling price requires a certain amount
tribution of his product. He furnishes of boldness, for the Government and
the substance, the raw material, but all sellers seem afraid to discuss this
often the man who finishes the lumber, subject. I desire to make a personal
the man who merchandises the lumber, prediction that some time right here
gets most of the profit. The small in Washington shall be compiled for
operator is entitled to a good price all of our basic industries, statistics
for his lumber and through this de- comprising production, estimated
monstration unit I have outlined here, future production, demand, estimated
where a sales manager would be in future demand, stocks on hand, sales,
charge, those mills shipping into the shipments, price of shipments, and
demonstration unit would enjoy at then a conclusion as to what the price
least the market for their lumber that of each basic commodity should be;
the large operator gets in these terri- this price to be determined by deduc-
tories. And by taking this small mill tion by competent, honest experts, em-
man out of the market you remove a ployed by the Government of the
weak factor from the market. A United States. When that day ar-
strong buyer of a large concern buy- rives, the greatest variable in business
ing lumber in the rough from a small shall be eliminated. Then each lum-
mill operator is not fair buying and berman will know in advance how far
selling, but where a strong seller sells he can go toward saving timber that
to a strong buyer that competition is is now being wasted.
fair, and this unit would develop that To-day there are smart statisticians
condition. in the lumber industry and in the Gov-
Shreveport, La., or Houston, Tex., ernment and in commerce generally.
are cities admirably located for such To them a rise or fall in the market
an educational plant as outlined here, is no surprise. They do their own
and these cities you will find have announcing. Unfortunately for the
prominent, successful, and patriotic smaller producers in the lumber in-
lumbermen that will lend cooperation dustry, they have not, as a whole, the
to the Government and the State, and ability or expertness to draw definite
you will find banking houses that will conclusions from compiled statisties.
accommodate the small sawmill man. The statistics of the Nation assembled
Short-leaf pine is growing rapidly in in Washington are largely for the use
these localities; there are hundreds of of the large, shrewd buyer. The
mills adjacent. statistics are here, or they can be got-
What has been said here of the ten here, from every branch of the
small sawmill operators is no reflec- lumber industry within a month—
tion upon their ability, integrity, or reports that would give the Govern-
standing. They are not equipped to ment, through an expert statistician,
care for the great responsibility that very little trouble in estimating, for
rests upon their shoulders. Much of periods of six months. the approxi-
the reforestation scheme of the Na- mate market price of our commodities.
tion rests upon them. Especially is Of course for an expert of this sort
this true in the South and Southwest. to make this announcement, it would
I happen to know this class of men be necessary for him to have the
very well, having spent the greater statistics covering the other basic in-
portion of my life with them. These dustries of the country and the build-
small-mill operators are willing to en- ing trend of the Nation. It is a mat-
dure hardships, to work, to learn, and ter of enlightenment and wisdom. Re-
to cooperate. They are a receptive corded facts will produce this, and
class, ready to accept new instruc- when enlightenment and wisdom have
tions, new financial aid, new perfected been acquired by any commission and
mechanical devices and equipment. the result of this enlightenment and
Here we have the Government, the wisdom is announced, it is bound to
State, and the industries within the bring more safety and confidence to
States anxious to pass on enlighten- the whole industry represented and to
ment. Here we have a group of men commerce generally.
anxious for the light. What is re- ‘What is said of the lumber industry
quired? An impulse is all, and a plan here with regard to selling price, as
to set in motion the theories and for- arrived at by definite, compiled sta-
mulas advanced at this meeting. tistics, can also be made true of the