Full text: Report of the National Conference on utilization of forest products

National Conference on Forest Products 73 
tle out points and principles. I dug ErNEST BOLEY (American Steel & 
out to-day that little thing that in Wire Co.) compared the conditions in 
those days I shaped into a national China and the United States, coun- 
recipe, and I want to read it to you tries having no definite forest con- 
because it incorporates exactly the servation policy, with the conditions 
principles of the Clarke-McNary bill: in European countries, where forests 
Take 96 United States Senators and are regarded as crops to be harvested. 
435 Members of Congress. Mix well Wirrtam A. BABBITT (secretary, 
with pictures of the denuded hills National Association of Wood Turn- 
of China and its population with the ers). A large part of my correspond- 
lowest standards of living. Add a ence is taken up with letters from 
panoramic view of our now fast-dis- manufacturers of lumber who wish to 
appearing forests, due to the absence advise me that they have decided to 
of a national forest policy. Place enter the dimension stock game, and 
into this mixture the leaven of an reveal the fact that they know very 
aroused public conscience, demanding little about what they are getting into. 
a national forest policy adequate to I know of more than one operation in 
the requirements of the United States. bad shape because it has gone into 
Knead into six loaves, embodying the this thing without realizing the differ- 
following points based on reciprocal ence between making and marketing 
laws and the cooperation of each of dimension stock and making and mar- 
the States with the Federal Govern- keting standard lumber. 
ment : Ww. L. Sykes (president, Grasse 
1. More funds for patrol and look- River Railroad Corporation, Conifer, 
out stations to prevent and put out N. Y.). This last talk brings me to 
forest fires. my feet because the dimension busi- 
2. Just forest taxation laws to en- ness is not new to me. I can go back 
courage private owners to grow trees. 40 years, when I began to get into the 
3. Substantial additions to the al- sawmill business, and a good portion 
ready existing areas of public-owned 0f my business was dimension stock 
forest lands. at that time. The log run product 
4. More assistance to the private cost too much delivered in the west 
forest owner, both in aiding reforesta- branch of the Susquehanna Valley, so 
tion and in the proper management We kept hundreds of thousands of feet 
of existing woodland. of dimension stock for bedposts at 
5. Adequate appropriation for in- that early date. 
vestigation and research work in order A great deal has been said about 
to usilize and standardize and get the producing so many cubic feet per year 
most out of our forests. to take the place of the diminishing 
6. Permission for owners of private forests, but very little has been said 
forest land who actively cooperate about the relative value and the rela- 
with the Government to deduct a cer- tive need for the large-sized timber 
tain percentage from their income- Of the old-growth forests, as compared 
tax returns, the same principle as is With small trees of the new crop 
now followed where the individual coming in. We shall have to build 
makes charitable contributions. beautiful homes and large buildings 
Repeat the process with the legis- like this, with lumber not anywhere 
latures in each of the 48 States. Bake equal to what we are putting in these 
quickly. buildings to-day. You need not be a 
Result, 48 States cooperating with forester or lumberman to know that 
the National Government, and the citi- you can not make a piece of furniture 
zens of all the to-morrows singing the like that over there, or like the fur- 
Praises of all those who joined in niture in any of the buildings or the 
accomplishing this long-desired end. homes in Washington to-day, out of a 
JouN Forey (forester, Pennsylva- (ree only 50 years of age. Nowadays 
nia system). I wish to congratulate Wwe call a 50-year tree a sapling, and 
the committee on having in such a people to-day would call a tree 100 
short period accomplished this very vears old a sapling, when it comes to 
complete and concise report. It goes getting clear lumber free from de- 
Without question that the generalities fects. ) } 
in which the report is bound to deal We have a law against combina- 
need to be worked out in detail, and tions in restraint of trade. As a mat- 
I am sure the convention, has found ter of conservation, lumbermen ought 
in the central committee an organiza- to be a favored class, so that we 
tion that is quite capable of carrying could get together to the extent of 
on this proiect. raising the price on high-grade lumber,

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