Full text: Report of the National Conference on utilization of forest products

74 Miscellaneous Circular 39, U. S. Dept. of Agriculture 
High-grade lumber should bring a local associations, $100 per year. In 
higher price, and low-grade lumber addition to that, in order to supply 
should bring a price that would make the deficit in the revenue raised in 
its conservation possible; and in re- that manner, the associations are ex- 
turn we should be compelled to put pected to contribute such sum, not 
a good percentage back in reforesting exceeding 3 per cent of their annual 
our lands on that yield taxation revenue, as may be necessary to cover 
proposition, and then we would all be the deficit. 
busy raising forests. You gentlemen, in passing the duty 
Dr. Josgpa Hype Prarr (president, to this committee of carrying on this 
Western North Carolina [Ine.]). I great work, must do so with the de- 
have one suggestion relative to the liberate intention of providing some 
report on the program of activities. means of accomplishing the end. No 
We all know of the good work the member of the committee is on salary, 
committee on lumber standards has and our disbursements are for clerical 
done. We know that unless the men help, for printing bills, and other 
gathered here get behind that com- things incidental to the work we have 
mittee and assist them, they will not been carrying on. The Department of 
accomplish what our committee has Commerce has generously furnished 
requested of them. Now, they have us with a convenient hall when we 
the authority under this report to had meetings of men interested in 
make additions to their committee, this work. We have had the very 
taking up other lines of thought in finest cooperation and assistance from 
the lumber and forestry work. Per- the Department of Commerce and 
haps the main part of the report is from the Department of Agriculture. 
that containing the idea of getting We will doubtless have that in the 
together the organized industrial units future, but in order to put this great 
which consume forest products and thought over, in order to bring about 
encouraging their members to take perfect standards in the manufacture 
full advantage of improved practices. of lumber, in order to eliminate waste 
We are putting a big work on the in the distribution of lumber, in 
central committee. If we vote to-day order to accomplish the things for 
to adopt this report, and it is voted which this conference was called, it is 
unanimously, that ought to carry to necessary to have the complete accord 
the central committee that everybody and cooperation both intellectually 
in this meeting is backing the com- and financially of every end of the 
mittee, not only in advice and sugges- industry, from the landowner, the 
tions, but also in financial support if tree owner, to the last user of the 
necessary to help the committee carry forest product. 
on that work. It will not take a large sum of 
Joan H. Kmsy (president, Kirby money, but it is a necessary sum of 
Lumber Co.). The central committee, money if you are going to attain the 
as you all know, has been quite ac- end you seek. I have been identified 
tive for the past two and a third with this work from its beginning; I 
years. During that period it has ex- have been the least of the factors that 
pended $18,000, of which $4,167 is not have cooperated to obtain the fine sue- 
yet paid. So you are selecting an in- cess we have obtained up to this time. 
solvent concern when you pass these I am not talking for myself; I am 
resolutions, unless some provision is talking for the success of your com- 
made for furnishing funds to cover mittee. I want to impress upon you 
the expenditures of the committee. that there is an equitable way for 
It is our thought that a fund of at raising this fund. I do not expect all 
least $25,000 per year ought to be of you to run your hand in your 
provided. pocket just this minute ; but when you 
Under the regulations which the get back to your homes and your or- 
committee adopted for its govern- ganizations, you will see to it that 
ment, it is provided that national as- your town is not forgotten. 
sociations interested in this work J. H. Arlen (president, Sterling 
may become members of this activity Lumber Co.). We have come here to 
by contributing to its support $500 consider saving billions of feet of 
per year; regional associations, not timber, and say that it takes $18,000 
members of any national association, a year to do the business. It takes 
$250 per year; regional associations money to save billions of feet of tim- 
desiring to make an individual contri- ber; it takes more than an $18,000 
bution in addition to that made by the idea. Another thing—this stuff must 
national to which it belongs, $150 per be made practical, so that the lumber- 
vear: clubs and other organizations. men will not have to write in to find

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