Full text: Report of the National Conference on utilization of forest products

National Conference on Forest Products 81 
Meigs, Ferris J., Tupper Lake, N. Y. *Petrie, George M., president, St. Johns 
Melton, J. = Illinois Central Railroad, Spe eo Coates Mich. 
“hicago, 5 eiffer, Karl B., Maryland State Depart- 
Merriam, Dr. J. C., president, Carnegie ment of Forestry, 1411 Fidelity Bild 
{Sion of Washington, Washington, p ing, Baiumore, Md. 
FEC jerce, Roy G., Bureau of Plant Pathol- 
kMerrill, Dr. B., D., college of agriculture, ogy, Washington, D. C. 
Onfray of California, Berkeley, *Platt, Ravh H., Jas. 8. Kemper Co., Chi- 
alif. cago, : 
Merrill, R. XK. American Seating Co., Porter, O. M., American Paper Pulp As- 
Grand Rapids, Mich. 2 sociation, New York. 
Miller, Rudolph P., president, National Potbury, R. J., Bureau of Yards and 
Phe Protection Assonciation, New York Pi Pocky Josh maton, D.C. 
City, rat eorge ., Dbresident, American 
Mitchell, R. P., Pensacola, Fla. Forestry Association, Pratt Institute, 
¥Moon, F. KF. Dean, New York State College Brooklyn, N. Y. 
of Forestry, Syracuse, N. Y. 5 *Pratt, Dr. Joseph Hyde, president, West- 
EMo0e: % ons Sonshern Pine Associa- North Carolina (Inc.), Asheville, 
ion, New Orleans, La. LC, 
Moore, Hugh K., The Brown Corporation Prescott, Samuel J., Washington, D. C. 
Berlin, N. H. x / , Pritchard, J. M., secretary, Hardwood 
*Moss, A. H., Connecticut Agricultural Col- Manufacturers’ Institute, 400 South 
“ lege, Sry: Cogn, Hin. x State. Chicago, Ill. 
Muir, alcolm, MeGraw Hill Co., New 
York City. : *Radford, F. W., Radford Sash & Door Co., 
EMunnS, By N., United Sten Forest Romo, Lit i 
Service. Washington, D. C. ndall, IL. M., treasurer, P. B. Yates 
Machine Co., Beloit, Wis. 
*Nellis, Jesse C., Department of Commerce, ~~ Laybold, W. J, B. D. Rising Paper Co, 
Washington, D. C. Housatonic, Mass. i 
*Nelson, John M., jr., P. M. Nelson (Inc.), ie ART As B., Cornell Univer- 
Baltimore, Md. 2 ye 
#Newins, Prof. H. §., Pennsylvania State Redpath, John M., research department, 
College, College Station, Pa. Chamber of Commerce, Washington, 
tNewlin, J. A., Forest Products Labora- D. C. s + 
tory, ‘Madison, Wis. “Reese, Charles L., president, American In. 
*Nixon, Robt. B., Norfolk, Va. (represent stitute of Chemical Engineers, Wilming: 
ing Calkins & Co., Indianapolis, Ind.) ton, Del. 
*Noll, Jos. N., Tilghman Moyer Co., Allen- Reeves, Alfred, general manager, National 
town, Pa. & 2 Automobile Chamber of Commerce, New 
*Norton, Gayne T. K., editor, Save the Ae SY tania 
y hile i 8) TS, " * 3 . 
urface Magazine. Philadelphia, Pa. “Rex, Gorge I, vice president, National 
0O’Berry, Thomas, Goldsboro, N. C. : finer &.Creosoting Co., Kansas City, 
Oldenberg, H., Weyerhaeuser Timber Co., Reynolds, BE. E., Rural Life, Washington 
on Carlton, Minn. Bl as : ? 
Osho, 4 L., Soha Hemlock & Hara *Reynolds, Harris A., secretary, Massachu- 
has Say acturers Association, Osh- setts Forestry Association, 4 Joy Street, 
Osborne, W. Irving, Cornell Wood Prod- OSLO, A : 
oa Co., Chicago, Ill. ‘ REL wi Lah Sah ots Poet 
haughnessy, J., secretary, American  sppodes, Frederick L., American Telephone 
Association” of Mivertising “Agents. New & Telegraph Co., New York City. 
or ity. a . *Rice, Calvin W., secretary, American So- 
Ostrander, Geo. N., Finch, Pruyn & Co., ciety of Mechanical Engineers, New 
Glens Falls, N. Y. York City. 
. . : “Rice, G. H., vice president, Conservation 
Pack, A. N., American Tree Association, Co. of America, Brooklyn, N. Y. 
i Sixteenth Street, Washington, D. fice, Seorgo Ba Bureau of Mines, Wash- 
s ngton, D. C. 
Pagenstecher, Felix, president, Bryant Richardson, Commander H. C., Bureau of 
Paper Co., Kalamazoo, Mich. © Aeronautics, Navy Department, Wash- 
Palmer, L. B., secretary, American News- ington, D. C ? 
I ‘Association, New BigsAnle, Pa a Squat, Nature 
or y. agazine, Washington, D. C. 
*Pardoe, HK. 8. Capitol Traction Co., *Riis, Paul B,, superintendent of Rockford 
Thirtysixth and M Streets, NW., Wash- park district, Rockford, Ill. 
ington, D. C. } #Ritter, W. M., president, W. M. Ritter 
Parker, C. J. superintendent of insur- Lumber Co., Columbus, Ohio. 
ance, New York City. . *Roberts, Warren R., Roberts & Schaefer 
Baliey, oom, A., superintendent of parks, mn So Chierzes, me id 
artford, Conn. Robinson, A. F., bridge engineer, Atchi- 
Parmalee, Julius H., director, Bureau of son, Topeka & Santa Fe Railway, Chi- 
op Railway Foonomien, Wosapron 2. 2 a cago, on Sn AS 
arrigsh, H. C., Richmond Cedar Works, ochemont, Max J. de, The Laffargue Co., 
,. Richmond, Va. i New York City. - : 
Parsons, Charles L., secretary, American Rodahaffer, John C., president, American 
5 Shomionl Sodetyy Washington, D Ct yn constr Association, 
atterson rof. XH. ., University a 8 City, Mo. 
Pennsylvania, Philadelphia, Pa. Rogers, S., president, Optimists, New York 
Paunack, Lieut, Commander R. R., Navy City. i 
Department, Washington, D. C. #Rolle, A. H. O., Department of Commerce, 
Peet, Fred N., secretary, Isaac Walton Washington, D. C. 
: | Leagues, Chicago, TI1. “Rosenberry, W. 8. president, Western 
Penney, John §,,"T, J. Moss Tie Co. Sit. Pine Manufacturers’ Association, Port- 
Louis, Mo. land, Oreg.

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