Full text: Report of the National Conference on utilization of forest products

82 Miscellaneous Circular 39, U. S. Dept. of Agriculture 
*Ross, R. M., commissioner of forestry, *Swanger, W. E., secretary American Saw- 
Montpelier, Vt. mill Machine Co., Hackettstown, N. J. 
Rouzer, H. 'L., Bureau of Yards and Swayne, Alfred R., vice president, Gen- 
Docks, Washington, D. C. eral Motors Corporation, Detroit, Mich. 
*Rue, J. D., Forest Products Laboratory, *Sweet, C. V., Forest Products Laboratory, 
Madison, Wis. Madison, Wis. 
Rutherford, W. O., vice president, Good *Swenning, Karl A., Mead Pulp & Paper 
rich Rubber Co., Akron, Ohio. Co., Chillicothe, Ohio. 
=Sapin, Dn A. H., National Lead Co., New SVL Nat ITN manager, parchay 
Cork City. > {1 . ional Harves- 
*Saunders, Wn. L., general manager, Cum- ter Co, Chicago, IIL 
mer-Diggins Co., Cadillac, Mich. Sykes, G. W., Emporium Forestry Co., 
*Seorest, Edmund, State forester, Wooster, LL 5 Yh astdant” Gra Ri 
io. § 5 ce Xi. resident, Tasse iver 
*Shafer, John C., South Bend, Ind. Railroad Corporation, Conifer, N. Y. 
Shaw, Albert, Later, American Review Symons, 1. B., State fifector a 
0 eviews, New York City. xtension work, College Park, . 
*Shepard, Harvey N., vice president, Symons, Wm. L., Washington, D. C. 
American Forestry Association, Boston, 
Mass. F Tannen, = Bs oreasmy Department, 
Shepard, J. C., Berry, Ala, ashington, D. C. 
*Shepard, Ward, United States Forest *Taylor, C. M., supertendent, Reading Tim- 
Service, Washington, D. C. ber Treating Plant, Port Reading, N. J. 
Sherman, W. C., Millville, Fla. Taylor, J. T., Washington, D. (. 
*Sherrard, EH. C., Forest Products Labora- Taylor, W, A., chief, Bureau of Plant In- 
tory, Madison, Wis. dustry, Washington, D. C. 
SE gray, ol periean Farm Bureau *Thelen, Rolf, Forest Products Laboratory, 
federation icago, 2 adison, Wis. 
Silverstein, 1. S., The Gloucester Ium- *Thomas, W. A., Statesville Furniture Co. 
ber Co., Rosman, N. C. Statesville, N. C. 
Et Co y Phjsaciohia Coal & Iron Thompson, John G., Simonds Saw & Steel 
.o., Pottsville, Pa. J Co., Fitchburg, Mass. 
Sisson, Goo. Yi Jhaglraddont, Raggett Thoner Prof. J, J., University of Ari- 
: ly ANA zona, Tucson, Ariz. 
*Skinner, Dr. H. J. presidént, Skinner, *Thornton, T. P., Baldwin Piano Manufac- 
sqSherman & Esselen, Boston, Mass, turing Co., Cincinnati, Ohio. 
Slates Sect, Washington Co Co Tg Mote, sien, Natior's Dustnems, 
*Smith, C. S., secretary alifornia_ White java aingoon, hie. 
and Sugar Pine Manufacturers’ Asso- * Tiemann. Have) a Foposs Products 
ciation, San Francisco, Calif. Abs ? vy. a a a f : 
Smith, 1), A, District of Columbia Paper Tiemmer, 3", seerclaty, Manufacturing 
30. ashington, D. C. 
Smith, Dr. George Otis, director, United States, Washington, D. C. 
Boge Gedatihn Steed Woluington, | Tighnad, 5 Slits Sorts Cony 
Smith, H. A., United States Forest Sery- Town, D. H., president, Watab Paper Co., 
ice, Washington, D. C. Sartell, Minn, . 
Smith, Payson, vice president Payson “Trinder, I. J., State superintendent of in- 
Smith Lumber Co., Minneapolis, Minn. dustrial education, Hartford, Conn. 
Smither, Col. H. C., Chief Coordinator *True, James, correspondent, Printers Ink, 
for General Supply, Washington, D. C. National Press Club, Bethesda, Md. 
Snell, R. M., general manager, Paper *Trullinger, R. W. American Society of 
Makers’ Chemical Co., Holyoke, Mass. Agricultural Engineers, United States 
one V. H., State forester, New Department of Agriculture, Washington, 
“Sprawl . RL Retinal Research vTuftt, Harry E., United States Bureau of 
*Speh, C. I, secretary, Turpentine and Tunis. Ee Lumber Co. 
Bosin Produces Association, New (address not known). ji 
rleans, La. ® 
*Spruill, F. 8., genera} counsel, North Car- roy Cairo Products Laboratory, 
Qing Pine Association, Rocky Mount,  ycker, Clément S., Seaboard Afr Line 
hie v : t Railroad, Baltimore, Md. 
yl B ors gonginecring and *Uhl, Harry G. secretary, Central Com- 
Stachner, Ralph C.. Rafnelle, Ww Ja. Tuite 7 Lumber Standards, Washing- 
ar i .» V. P., American Column rt 
and Lumber Co, Columbus, Ohio, Vanderpoel, W. K., Public Service Electric 
nro Siglnoer, Baltimore & Gas Co., Newark, N. J. 
an io Railroad, Baltimore, x resi i 
stgfing, "8 Yihes B. Tucey & co, VIR Metre, "R,, pigsident” Wyoming me 
A ’ *Veitch, P. E., Bureau of Chemists, United 
*Stoouee, R. i Bure of Entomology, States Depdrtment of Agriculture, Wash- 
*Stocking, E. 1 president, American Wood ingeon, 1 GC 
Preservers’ Association, Chicago, 111.  vihpedge, R. W. president, North Bend 
Stokes Honky Wo New Haven Kaper Coy himber, Co, Nth Bond wash C0 
ilade 1a, “Pa. ? o ry 7 
Stoner, ny H., West Penn Lumber Co., ber engineer, St. Louis, Mo. 
Pittsburgh, Pa. *Voskuil, Dr. W. 8., University of Penngyl- 
*Strobel, W. T., North Carolina Pine As- _vania, Philadelphia, Pa. J 
sociation, 313 Homer Building, Wash- Wallace, L. W., secretary, American Engi- 
ington, D. C. neering Council, Washington, D. C. 
*Stuart Kathering H., Virginia Federation ~~ Walsh, Capt. R. L., Air Service, Washing- 
of Women’s Clubs, Alexandria, Va. ton, D. C. 
*Stuart, Robt. Y., commissioner of forestry, *Ward, Geo. M., accountant, 619 Invest- 
Harrisburg, Pa. ment Building, Washington, D. C. 
Sunderland, W. W., president, Miami Ward, Frank B., Hanson-Ward Veneer Co., 
Paper Co.,, West Carrollton, Ohio. Bay City, Mich,

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