Full text: Report of the Trade Barriers Committee presented to the Preparatory Committee of the Economic Conference of the League of Nations

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That as concerns the control of prices by Governments The Trade Barriers Committee is of opinion 
in such a way as to affect the free movement of raw 
materials, the Resolutions adopted by the International that it is in the interest of a great number of countries 
Chamber of Commerce in Paris and London retain all to attract capital for investment from abroad 
their significance and ought to be urgently pressed, as . . 
the world of business requires in normal times the free that this can be done in two ways 
movement of the raw materials which are indispensable either normally by loans in stable currency if the 
to the life of industry. borrowing country enjoys normal prosperity 
The Trade Barriers Committee resolves or, if the currency of the borrowing country is not 
stable, capital may be attracted from abroad either by 
that speculation must not be considered one of the way of normal credit operations or by way of speculation, 
essential causes of instability, save in exceptional and such credits would undoubtly be forthcoming only at 
cases. premium rates owing to the fact that loans extended to 
a country with unstable currency involve additional risk 
for the lenders. The borrowers in a country with an 
3. Lack of capital and credit. unstable currency must therefore be prepared to submit 
to the disadvantage of loans concluded on onerous terms 
Whereas, in general, there seems to be no control which is in itself a fresh argument in favour of currency 
whatever over the entry of foreign capital for investment stabilization.

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