Contents: Tables relating to national expenditure

t.—Additional Charges in 1926-27. 
lu e of any revision of these decisions it is estimated 
that 5 i charges would have fallen to be met in 1926-27, 
the amy ch case being the increase on the original estimate, 
it any, *€} = 
: fn Estimated Additional 
5 Cost in 1926-27. 
¢ £ 
Né 6 and Old Age Pensions Scheme .... 5,700,000 
Im te contributions to Unemployment 
2 Scheme oh er ... 8,800,000 
: tbsidy oo a we 1,750.000 
N ete., Programme id wee 8,724,000 
Col 'ndustry Subvention  .... .. 4,100,000 
Un t Insurance (Northern Ireland) 
5 i _ ore 875,000 
Ma impire Produce = al . 500,000 
Re y and increase of strength of police 
- - b.. + 400,000 
Pro eel houses, Scotland .... dh 368,000 
Ne Scheme es 7 ih 200,000 
Tit 125. New grant at the rate of 
per annum She yo AT 150,000 
Trd nemployed Men i os 150,000 
¥ 21,717,000 
Ina iducation Estimates due to the 
a of teachers’ pension contributions 
Ca ixchequer under the Teachers’ 
lation Act, 1925. In 1925-26 
ributions are being appropriated 
he Education Votes. This charge 
4 irse, balanced by an equivalent 
» the revenue side of the account 
. 's no fresh burden on the taxpayer 2,730,000 
Co Total . we 24,447,000 
2 ar ——

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