stage the relationships were few. Now we live in an age of com-
mercialized agriculture and the relationships are many and
varied. We have likewise a vast number of relationships with
respect to urban land and other kinds of land.
In an address given about three years ago Chancellor David
Starr Jordan said this: “Science is human experience tested and
set in order.” This is entirely in accord with the idea of science
just expressed by the writer. Chancellor Jordan said, further-
more, that science had three great purposes: usefulness, the
foundation of ethics, and the development of the human mind.
Now land economics meets all of these tests. It is most useful
as a guide in helping us to utilize the land. It helps us lay the
foundation of ethical conduct, and its various ramifications offer
every opportunity to train the human mind. It requires the best
powers we have.
Science wins ever new territory and its scope is constantly
expanding. Law and medicine offer illustrations and now land
economics has come into being. We can get at this matter of
science in this way. If land economics is becoming a science, it
should develop a profession to deal with the land, just as we have
professions to deal with law and medicine. Dr. Charles F.
Thwing, president emeritus of Western Reserve University, has
given us permanent and outstanding characteristics of a pro-
fession. They are as follows: (1) Money making is regarded as
a condition, not as an aim; (2) The sense of brotherhood among
the members; (3) Public service; (4) The possession of certain
standards for entrance; (5) A body of literature concerning the
profession. The real estate business meets these tests and is
slowly but gradually becoming a profession. The better men
in the business meet all these tests and we have a growing
body of literature dealing with the profession.
Now that we have discussed land economics as a science, we
observe in its evolution the development through specialization
and differentiation of new fields as seen in the separate treatment
of different kinds of land, of which one of the most important is
urban land. Urban land economies includes such topics as causes
of urbanization, the location, structure and future of cities, the
peculiar characteristics of urban land utilization, public control
of urban land utilization including planning and zoning, urban
land tenure and tenancy, taxation and valuation. It is strange