Full text: Economic essays

Edward W. Capen Roswell C. McCrea 
Harry J. Carman Alfred E. Marling 
Robert E. Chaddock Frederick C. Mills 
John Maurice Clark Wesley C. Mitchell 
Julius H. Cohen Parker Thomas Moon 
John W. Davis Newbold Morris 
Edward T. Devine Dwight W. Morrow 
Frank H. Dixon George D. Olds 
William J. Donovan William B. Parsons 
George Filipetti George B. Pegram 
[rving Fisher Michael I. Pupin 
Austen G. Fox Jackson E. Reynolds 
t'abian Franklin George E. Roberts 
H. G. Friedman William W. Rockwell 
Henry B. Gardner Lindsay Rogers 
Edwin F. Gay Victor Rosewater 
Charles W. Gerstenberg James Brown Scott 
Richard J. H. Gottheil Henry R. Seager 
Joseph P. Grace Albert Shaw 
Evarts B. Greene Herbert N. Shenton 
Robert L. Hale George Shepherd 
Lewis H. Haney Vladimir G. Simkhovitch 
F. B. Hawley J. Russell Smith 
Carlton J. H. Hayes Henry A. Stimson 
Walker D. Hines N. I. Stone 
Jacob H. Hollander Alvan A. Tenney 
Charles C. Hyde Edward Lee Thorndike 
A. V. W. Jackson Rexford G. Tugwell 
Jeremiah W. Jenks Charles A. Tuttle 
Willard V. King Thurman W. Van Metre 
George W. Kirchwey L. D: H. Weld 
Oswald W. Knauth William E. Weld 
Samuel McCune Lindsay C. C. Williamson 
Howard Lee McBain H. Parker Willis 
Frederick J. E. Woodbridge

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