Full text: Monograph of the electrical industry

2. and 3. Actual and Potential Possibilities 
of Production. 
A general view of the progressive application of electricity 
throughout the world can best be obtained by considering the 
consumption of electrical manufactures. Production 
represents the maximum of actual con- 
It is a very risky proceeding to attempt to state, in actual 
figures, the output of the electrical industry of the various 
countries, as such a statement must in many cases, be based 
on estimates, and it is often impossible to know to what extent 
the figures include preliminary manufacture and partly finished 
goods. Only in the United States, Canada and Sweden official 
statistics are available, which give reliable information 
regarding the extent of the industry. 
The table which is attached hereto has been prepared in 
full knowledge of all the reservations with which such a sum- 
mary must be regarded under these circumstances. It is a 
first attempt to provide figures, arranged according to 
a definite scheme relating to the question of production. 
The idea is that these figures may be criticized by the various 
countries, and that they will accordingly furnish more accurate 
and reliable data. In all cases, the most important published 
data obtainable, containing figures relating to production have 
been utilised. The sources of information are stated for the 
individual figures. In cases where figures had to be estimated, 
the estimates are based on company reports which frequently 
give valuable information relating to output. 
A projected comparison between the production of elec- 
trical goods and the consumption of energy in the different 
countries could not be made, as the information relating to 
energy consumption, especially prior to the war, was so in- 
complete, as to render such comparison useless. 
The precise meaning to be attached to the various figures 
relating to production in the adjoining table is fully detailed 
in the explanatory notes. By the adoption of a uniform price 
basis, an attempt is made to present a quantitative comparison 
of values. The actual increase in production since 1913 is 
shown taking into consideration the increase in price.

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