Full text: The American Tabacco Company and the Imperial Tobacco Company

KingsTREE, S. C., June 16, 1924. 
Richmond, Va. 
Dear Sir: I am thinking of acquiring an interest in a steam plant at Raleigh, 
N. C., with Mr. S. M. Glenn and want to know if you will give us a contract to 
put up some tobacco for the association. We do not, of course, expect you to 
give us a guarantee of any definite amount of tobacco but we do want to know 
if you will give us a contract. 
Thanking you for anything you may do for us and for an early reply, I am, 
Yours very truly, 
WwW. K. McInTosH. 
P. S. If you ean pot send us Mr. J. H. Adams as grader at Kingstree, want 
you to send us Mr. B. R. Cribb. 
RicaMoND, Va., June 17, 1924. 
Mr. W. K. MclnrosH, 
Kingstree, 8. C. 
Dear Sir: I have your favor of June 18 to hand and contents noted. 
In reply beg to advise that if you and Mr. Glenn lease the plant at Raleigh 
N. C., we will arrange to give you some redrying. 
However, you #nderstand that we do not guarantee any amount of tobacco in 
any redrier. 
Should you decide to lease the plant, kindly advise in due time. 
Yours very truly, - 
CH ——————— 
KingsTreE, S. C., October 23, 1924. 
Richmond, Va. 
I suppose you know that I am connected with the redrying plant at Raleigh, 
N.C. I have 40 per cent interest in it, and want to say to you that we certainly 
appreciate the business so far that you have given us there. As you know, we 
made a big failure in my territory around Kingstree this year, and the Bank of 
Williamsburg (Mr. Epps’s bank) is carrying me for right good loans, and it is 
practically impossible for me to reduce them and live with salary I am getting, 
so I am asking you as a friend to be as liberal as you can about letting us have 
tobacco at Raleigh. 
I do not want to appear hoggish, but if we can give good service, which we 
expect to do, will certainly appreciate anything you see fit to do for us. I 
expect to keep in touch with our manager there and if anything should go wrong 
lease let me know before you do anything about it. Can write me at Kingstree, 
5 C., and I will get it. I have been traveling through my territory here for past 
10 days investigating members who did not deliver any tobacco, and can truth- 
fully say that the morale of our members better than have ever been. If we 
should get another payment any time soon we are going to get some contracts. 
Yours very truly, 
WwW. KX. McInrosH. 
The following are other typical letters with respect to redrying 
tobacco and involving companies in which one or more officials of the 
association are interested: 
SyrrarieLy, N. C., July 24, 1923. 
Tobaceo Growers’ Cooperative Association, Richmond, Va. 
Dear Str: When you make up your markets for redrying in eastern Carolina, 
I will consider it a very great favor if you will put Smithfield, N. C.. my home 
town, in our list. 
1 trust that this is not asking anything that you can not grant us. 
We would certainly appreciate this favor, even if some of the cooperative 
marketing enemies do say that the farmers of Johnson County will not deliver 
their tobacco to the association this year. 
With best personal regards, I am, 
Yours verv truly, 

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