Full text: The American Tabacco Company and the Imperial Tobacco Company

Mvuwrrins, S. C., November 21, 1925. 
Washington, D. C. 
GeNrLEMEN: In reply to your letter of the 19th, I beg to say that J. R. Haymes 
had one-half interest in my plants at Durham and Fremont N. C., during the 
tobacco seasons of 1923 and 1924, but no one had anv interest in my plant at 
Mullins, 8. C. 
I have paid Mr. Haymes during his partnership with me $5,698, which should 
be deducted from the net profit shown on my statement to vou, leaving a profit 
of $10,919.04 instead of $16,617.04. 
Mr. Haymes’s address is care of the Tobacco Growers’ Cooperative Association, 
Richmond, Va., and my address is Mullins, S. C. . 
I am sorry that I failed to mention the interest of Mr. Haymes in my statement, 
but I did not think it was necessary. 
Trusting that this will be satisfactory, I remain, 
Yours verv truly, 
W. A. Gray. 
RicumonD, Va., September 25, 1924. 
Mr. W. H. Austin (AusTin-Stepaenson Co.), 
Smithfield, N. C. 
Dear Sir: I have your favor of September 22 to hand and contents carefully 
I shall do my very best to see that these young gentlemen prosper, and I think 
they are entitled to make a good year’s work. 
Bi. While I have never had the pleasure of meeting you personally, I do know and 
have a very high regard for my good friend and our director, Judge Austin. 
. I am inclosing you copy of letter just written to these two voung men. 
b Yours very truly, 
The commission does not have a copy of Mr. Patterson’s letter to 
“these young gentlemen,” but their reply was as follows: 
Smiturierp, N. C., September, 29, 1924. 
Richmond, Va. 
Dear Sir: Your letter of September 25 received saying that you are giving us 
a few more markets, which we appreciate very much indeed. “We also wish to 
say that we will accept the Goldsboro market to be hauled here on our trucks at 
our expense. 
Yours very truly, 
Grass-StapLes Tosacco Co, 
W. G. Grass. 
P. 8.—Please have your men at Goldsboro to notify us when to send trucks 
after this tobacco. 
Mr. R. R. Parrerson, 
Richmond, Va. 
Dear Sir: Yours of the 11th instant referring to the redrying plants at 
Reidsville, N. C., and Raleigh, N. C., was handed me this morning by the ware- 
house manager here, therefore the delay. 
The Raleigh, N. C., plant will be operated under the name Raleigh Tobacco 
Co. You will please send this contract to the Independent Redrying Tobacco 
Co., Kingstree, S. C. 
The Reidsville, N. C., will be run under the name Reidsville Tobacco Co. 
You will please forward this contract to that address, Reidsville, N. C. 
We can open the Raleigh plant at any time after two or three days’ notice 
from you, 
Everything down here is getting on as well as could be expected. 
Yours very truly, 
August 19, 1924 
8, M. GLENN.

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