Full text: The American Tabacco Company and the Imperial Tobacco Company

Our total purchases at all of these plants in the 1924 crop have amounted to 
some forty-one million pounds. In the 1923 crop our purchases on the above 
plants amounted to some thirty-two million pounds, and for the past several 
years we have bought in various crops from twenty-five to thirty million pounds 
per year. 
Geo. A. Lea & Co., Rocky Mount, N. C., were also refused tobacco 
in the green state, as is shown by the following letter: 
OcToBER 23, 1924, 
Gro. A. Lea & Co., 
Rocky Mount, N. C. ~ 
Dear Stes: In reply to your favor of October 21 we exceedingly regret that 
we can not sell you our tobaccos in green order, as the board of directors have 
passed this resolution. 
We will only sell our tobaccos to a dealer who has a bona fide order from the 
manufacturer and this has been carried out in all cases, and we trust that you will 
not feel as if we are doing something for one dealer and endeavoring to cover it 
We feel sure that we can supply you with the tobaceo you are in the market 
for in redried form. 
Yours very truly, 
G. R. Garrett Co. (Inc.), Rocky Mount, N. C., which purchased 
285,000 pounds of green tobacco from the association in 1922 and 
1923, on September 4. 1°24, wrote the association as follows: 
SepTEMBER 4, 1924. 
GenTLEMBN: You will please send us prices on export leaf B-3 to B-7; cigar- 
stte cutters D-3 to D-8; smoking lugs E-1 to E-5; primings F-1 to F-4; cutting 
leaf H-3 to H-6. 
You have a few tobaccos in warehouse here now that we can use. Will thank 
you to arrange for delivery in all Rocky Mount territory. 
Yours very truly, 
G. R. Garrerr Co. (Incl), 
C. D. NoELL. 
The association’s general manager, Mr. Patterson, replied to the 
above as follows: 
SEPTEMBER 5, 1924, 
G. R. Garrett Co, 
Rocky Mount, N. C. 
Dear Sirs: In reply to your favor of September 4, we beg to advise that we 
are not offering our tobaccos in the green state to dealers the coming season. 
However, we hope to be in a position to offer vou some of these grades redried, 
f. 0. b. point of storage. 
. Yours very truly, 
Clark Bros. & Co., a packer and exporter of leaf tobacco, located 
at Bedford, Va., and which purchased about 2,000,000 pounds of 
sreen tobaccos in 1922 and 1923, stated in its letter of April 21, 1925, 
to the commission: 
We did make numerous efforts to purchase the 1924 crop from the association 
in green order. They refused to sell in this way, with resulting loss to themselves 
and very serious detriment to the trade generally (we refer to the export trade), 
the ill effect of which will continue for a long time. because of improper classifica- 
tion and packing. 
Suhling & Co. (Inc.), a leaf dealer, Lynchburg, Va., in 1922 and 
1923 purchaseo 375,346 pounds of association tobacco. In its 
letter of Avril "o, 2925, it states: 
. Our company was unable to make any purchase of the 1924 crop of tobaceo 
in the green state from the cooperative association under the same terms and

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