Full text: The American Tabacco Company and the Imperial Tobacco Company

E. V. Webb & Co., Kinston, N. C., in its letter of April 22, 1925, 
to the commission said: 
We purchased at this point on the loose or auction sales in 1922, 1,631,232 
pounds; 1923, 2,841,334 pounds; and 1924, 5,044,264 pounds. From the Tobacco 
Growers’ Cooperative Association in 1922 we purchased 281,333 pounds: 1923, 
293,072 pounds; none in 1924. i 
We are notified by the association that they could not sell us tobacco except when 
same was purchased direct for manufacturers, whose names and addresses would 
be required by them. We, therefore. depended entirely upon the auction sales 
to fill our orders. 
W. Y. Noel & Son, of Danville, Va., another dealer with its own 
redrying equipment, was also denied an opportunity to purchase 
from the pool. as is shown by the following: } 
OcroBER 6, 1924. 
General Manager Tobacco Growers’ Cooperative Association, 
Richmond, Va. 
Dear Sir: We are expecting some of our customers (manufacturers) this week 
snd, and we expect they will want some of your tobacco. 
We would be glad if you would send us prices on the following grades: 
A3L A30 A40 B3L B2O 
Fi1L F3L E1L E10 E2L 
If they get the tobacco we will put it up for them. 
Yours verv truly, 
W. Y. Noeu & Son, 
W. Y. NogL. 
OcroBER 7, 1924. 
W. Y. Noe, & Son, 
Danville, Va. 
Dear Sirs: In reply to your favor of October 6, beg to advise that the board 
of directors have instructed the management of the association not to sell tobacce 
in green order to dealers this season. 
We will be glad to offer you these tobaccos, redried, f. 0. b. point of storage. 
Trusting you will be interested, we remain, 
Yours very truly, 
It will be noted from the above that this policy was approved by 
the board of directors. According to the minutes of the association, 
Mr. Watkins on March 18, 1924, read a report from Mr. Patterson, 
manager of the sales department, dated March 17, 1924, in which 
appeared the following: 
This department respectfully makes the following recommendations as regards 
the policy of the association the coming season: 
First. To discontinue selling green tobacco to all dealers. offering them only 
redried tobaccos, * * * 
The above report was made a part of the minutes of the association 
and the recommendations unanimously accepted. : 
Redrying policy of association.—The Tri-State Association sold 
the bulk of its 1922 tobacco in the green state, redrying only 31 per 
cent of the crop. Of the 1923 crop, it redried 64 per cent, and, in 
1924, 75 per cent. Having secured no redrying equipment of its 
own, the cooperative had to have its tobacco redried in private 
plants and in the three years had 244,668,556 pounds redried. 
The part of the report of the special investigating committee of 
local agricultural officials and farm journal editors, previously re- 
ferred to, which deals with the redrving situation is as follows:

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